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Kardier was in the bedroom rocking Scarlet to sleep when Meech walked in. He had been sitting outside in his car for the last hour after she sent him to the store to buy more pull-ups for their daughter .
He sigh as he removed his shoes and said to her "Sabrina thought she went into labor. Come to find out it was just pre contractions nothing serious".
      Kardier responds caring for the baby but not the baby momma "is the baby fine"?
The fact that her fiancé was also having a outside baby was a hard pill for Kardi to swallow even if the baby wasn't conceived while they was together Meech was still careless enough to impregnate a bitch he saw no future with.
    Until they get a DNA test she was going to consider the baby her kids siblings, but as far as Sabrina it was still fuck her.
      "The baby is straight I got my cousin sitting with her ass . She's made I won't come but like I told her before until she gives me a DNA test I'm not breaking my neck for shit".
       Kardier saw that Scar had finally went to sleep and as she was getting up to take her to her bed, Meech says "nah I got it. You shouldn't be lifting her away. Rest , that shit with Sabrina scared me I don't need that happening to babies I know for sure are mine". He says to her kissing her forehead .
       Kardier looked at him and thought to herself the plan she had been thinking for the past month. Was she really up to it ?

       "You invited her where"? Maria said to Julius .
"To brunch with us . Look she don't know nobody here I was being friendly . I mean shit it the least we can do since we lying to her about what happen to her damn sister".
Maria couldn't believe her man right now inviting this stranger out to brunch with them. This was suppose to be a day with just the two of them how could he invite her and not talk it over with her first.
      "I don't know what it is you see in Ms. thang but you better unsee it and quick".
Julius getting annoyed said "man shut up alright here she comes and be fucking nice".
Fatima walks up to the table and immediately feels the tension coming up off Maria.
     Julius on the other hand gets up and pulls the seat back for her to sit welcoming her.
"Thanks sorry I'm late I was on the phone with the Switzerland authorities this morning. It hard speaking to someone with broken English" she said making a light joke.
     Julius smiled but Maria just gave her a glare before going back to looking in her phone.
"We ordered already but the waiter she be coming back in a minute".
Fatima rubbed her hands together and said "good . My mouth has been watering for some good ole waffles".
"I love waffles as well" Julius said . Then he continued and said "Maria hates them she's a pancake person".
      Fatima responds with "I use to like pancakes but waffles are just so top tier".
They both laughed and Maria wasn't feeling it so she asked "Fatima you don't have a man"?
Julius sucks his teeth and said "the fuck kinda question is that you....."?
     Fatima held her hand up to Julius and he stops talking , that shocked the hell out of Maria . Fatima then says "it's fine Julius and to answer your question no I don't have a man. Not looking for one neither, so trust and believe your man isn't on my radar. Now if a man happens to present himself to me SINGLE then yea we can talk but until then I'm fine with me and my rose. Anymore questions"?
      Maria replied "I just feel like you want my man or something"?
The waiter came right in time and took their Fatima's order while giving Maria and Julius their drinks. Once she walked away Julius thought the conversation was over but Fatima answered the question.
       "Girl look I don't want your man. Same way you get a man is how you lose them. Julius seems like a great person and he invited me here being friendly right"?
     Julius nods yes and Fatima continues "let me gather you together right quick. Last night I was joking , I would never take another woman's man that's not how I was raised. Yes Julius is a good looking man and you are one lucky woman but I know he's taken and I will never cross that line, but if you fuck up and he becomes single then that's another story he's free game then. I'm not my sister I'm not some hoe on the street I have morals and what not. I don't want this man alright, got it, you two can keep fucking each other in the ass holes. And yes I know you still got one your tucking skills need a little work. If you excuse me I'm going to the bathroom I need to freshen up before the food comes".
     Once she was up from the table Julius says to Maria "I told you wasn't nothing going on, now you sitting there looking stupid. It's the fact that you don't fucking trust me . I would never fucking cheat on you never . It's like if we don't have trust why the fuck we in this relationship"?
      Maria now feeling salty says "Julius she really just sat here and lied to our face . Look at her sister for Heaven sake".
Julius slammed his hands on the table and it cause for people to look at them . He then said in a low tone "they are two different damn people look your fucking insecurities are starting to piss me the fuck off. Just don't say anything for the rest of the meal please".
     After a quiet brunch they had everyone walked outside . Julius thanked Fatima for coming as out and apologized for Maria who was now walking to their car. She was pissed and didn't even want to say bye , but what happen next no one saw.
      As Julius was crossing the street to go to their car a car hits him and keeps going. Julius literally flew to other side of the street

 Julius literally flew to other side of the street

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another car slammed on breaks just in time. Julius was so into getting to the car and calming Maria down he wasn't paying attention . Fatima yelled to Maria who came running to call 911.

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