Chapter 2

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Don't need to thank me🤫 you can bless your eyes as much as you can 👆 🤭🤭

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Don't need to thank me🤫 you can bless your eyes as much as you can 👆 🤭🤭


 Taking one last look in the mirror Jungkook smiled to himself feeling pleased with how he got ready in 20 minutes. He grabbed his phone as he closed his bedroom's door behind him .

He was wearing a black shirt that were hanging from his shoulder showing his collarbone

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He was wearing a black shirt that were hanging from his shoulder showing his collarbone. and a black tight black jeans that were perfectly hugging his thighs. He was looking eternal and sexy as hell.

" Ready! " Jungkook said as he saw Taehyung in the living room . Taehyung got up from the couch not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Took you long enough" Taehyung sighed . Jungkook moved his bangs from his face as Jungkook saw Taehyung trailing his eyes up and down at Jungkook's body. " No, Fuck no, Go change."

Hoseok and his dad weren't the only protective ones over Jungkook. Ever since Jungkook's mom died Taehyung has been taken the role of making Jungkook's life a living hell in any way possible. Jungkook knew Taehyung didn't mean harm most of the time. but when it came to how he dressed Taehyung was always quick to say no.

"And suddenly you are my father ?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows, giving him a questioning look.

"No, but i can go get him , Now go you have 5 minutes," He clenched his jaw.

"No " jungkook denied.

"Hoseok" Taehyung yelled out. Hoseok came in a second later. Standing from behind Jungkook . Jungkook already could felt his glare burning holes into back of his head.

"Very funny" Hoseok spited, moving to stand beside Taehyung. " Change and let'sgo."

" If you ask me, i think i look pretty good" Jungkook said.

" Nobody asked you" Taehyung snapped. " i said go change".

Times like this was what made Jungkook question why he had feelings for him in the first place. Maybe it was how much Taehyung showed that he cared even if this was him being mean, Or maybe it was his dark brown eyes that got to Jungkook, his soft lips that has been touched by so many. His blonde hair which Jungkook have not yet to run hands through because every time jungkook came close to Taehyung he slaps Jungkook's hand way.

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