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Hey lovelies.... Hope you are doing well... please take good care of yourself in this pandemic situation. Don't fall sick.... 🥀🥀


Well important thing :] I am thinking about writing new book soon. It will be based on marriage between Taekook yes! Again with marriage think.. I'm a sucker of a marriage think please don't judge me 😶 ... I'm already working on it ... the plots and stories and specially characters and all .. Hopefully I'll start updating next month..🤗 And ofcourse I'll try to complete Tales of Heart as soon as possible 🤧 but it's a long story you know there are many more to come  so I wont want to mess up nor want to rush.... 😣😣


Jungkook woke up in the morning with the sun hitting his face. His body was cover with duvet as he laid in bed.

He had been laying in bed for the past 10 minutes replaying the party's event in his mind. He was trying to convince himself it was all some dream but he knew it was all real.

Taehyung did call him beautiful.

Taehyung did even held his hand.

Taehyung did in fact almost kissed him.

Yes, he couldn't take the fact that they almost got caught. They got lucky Jimin was the one who found them, not Hoseok.

After, Jimin walked in Taehyung and he quickly went back to the party and completely disregarded what happened. Jimin wouldn't drop the fact that they almost kissed and kept trying to convinced him that Taehyung liked him.

This whole situation gave the younger more of a reason to stay away from Taehyung and lock up any feelings that He had for Taehyung.

Since that even Jungkook had been mentally thanking the God that it wasn't Hoseok who found them . he couldn't begin to imagine what would have happened if he saw them.

Jungkook played out every possible scenario and he hated himself even more each time. He wasn't letting some meaningless moment with Taehyung , ruin his hyung's friendship with the older. It wasn't fair.

"Morning" Jungkook heard Taehyung from his door.

Groaning, Jungkook covered his face with the duvet." You are not the first thing I wanna see when I wake up."

Deep down they both know that was a lie.

Jungkook heard rustling around his room and without a warning Taehyung's hand wrapped themselves around Jungkook's feet and he flew out of the bed, His head hitting the floor.

Landing with a thud Jungkook groaned as he bring his hand to his head.

"TAEHYUNG!, what's wrong with you?" He yelled.

"We are going to be late." Taehyung said." Get dressed."

This was the first time Jungkook had seen him since their incident and he was shocked that this was the way Taehyung acted.

Obviously he wasn't expecting the older to kiss him and smother him with hugs but he thought maybe his attitude would change a little.

"I hate you " Jungkook yelled at Taehyung as he walked out of his room.

"Feelings are mutual."


All day Jungkook's stomach had been in knots. He was dreading going to music class and face Taehyung.

Sitting in cafeteria Jungkook could see Taehyung sitting across two table ahead of the younger, with some guys from the basketball team.

Oh Well did I just forget to mention that Taehyung was in Basketball team. Hell I'm can't be a good author ....:( am I ? 🤧🤧

Jungkook was hopping that Taehyung wouldn't go and today would be the day he skipped the class.

Everytime Jungkook looked up at Taehyung from where he was sitting Jungkook would catch him looking at him with a blank expression on his (Tae) face. Jungkook tried holding back from looking at him but The older was like a magnet.

Well this is the perks of Kim Taehyung.

"Are you going to eat that?" Jimin asked, pointing at his untouched burger.

Jungkook slide the tray to him," You can have it."

Jimin's face lit up as he took a bite from his burger and smiled with stuffed mouth.

"This is heaven." He mumbled, his mouth filled with the food.

They stayed in a comfortable silence as Jimin enjoyed the rest of his tray taking in every bite.

"So" Jimin started "Bitch spill the tea already yeah?.. tell me what's going on between you and Taehyung?"

Jungkook raised his eyebrows at him." What do you mean?"

"Stop playing dumb you know what I'm talking about. You guys nearly kissed, If I didn't show up then you would have finally gotten what you wanted." Jimin scoffed.

Then why did you show up bitch... Jungkook thought to himself. Shaking his head, Jungkook's eyes shift over to Taehyung who was looking at him before making a attempt to look away, " It's not what I wanted." He simply lied.

Rolling his eyes. Jimin threw a piece of bread crumb at the younger. "Shut the fuck up , Jungkook you have liked Taehyung since that day."

Jungkook shook his head," I have a boyfriend , jiminie. Its not right and don't bring up the past. That only happened because I lost my mom."

"I refuse to believe that."

Jungkook always thought back to the first time he realized that he could possibly have feelings for Taehyung. It was the night his dad told him that his mom had died.

Aside from jimin , Taehyung was the only one who was there for him and helped him get through his mom's loss. Hoseok and he pulled away from each other and his dad buried himself into work.

That night Taehyung stayed with him and held him in his arms, until the younger fell asleep in his embrace. They shared night like that a lot until Taehyung finally stopped and became distant with the younger.

"Believe what you want but there's nothing going between me and Tae hyung."

Jungkook didn't know if he was trying to convince Jimin or himself.

[To Be Continued]


Short chapter i know🤐🤐

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Your Author nim : Mavae~ 💜💜


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