Wings and Webs: part 1

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3rd person POV:

In science class, Ned and Peter were whispering to each other.

Ned:(whispers) How's the new costume?

Peter:(whispers) It's too big. The only way I can wear that is if I seriously bulk up.

Ned:(whispers) Luckily you have two.

Peter:(whispers) I still need to modify it. Their both the same size.

Ned:(whispers) Give it to me. My laundry machine makes everything shrink.


Peter:(whispers) Kay. Take both then.

While no one was looking, Peter handed off both costumes to Ned, however only manages to give off one when the teacher took notice.


Peter quickly stuffs the second costume deep into his bag before the teacher managed to speak out.

???: Parker!

(Wayne scientist/ Professor: Curtis Connors)

(Wayne scientist/ Professor: Curtis Connors)

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Curt: What are you doing?

Peter: I-I'm just looking for my... Pen.

Curt:... It's on your table.

Peter:(looks at pen)

Peter: So it is! Thanks, professor Connors, I don't know what I would do without you.

Saying it a bit too sarcastically than he would have liked, the one-armed teacher walks over, takes Peter's bag.

Going to his desk, he scurries through it, almost giving Peter a heart attack, but without reacting at all, Curt pulls out another pen from the bag.

Curt: Did you want this pen?

Peter: Kinda...

Tossing the pen, to Peter who catches it effortlessly, Curt goes back to his lesson as Peter slumps over defeated.

Gwen:(whispers) What were you actually hiding in there?

The blond at the neighboring desk whispered.

Ned:(whispers) N-Nothing, just...drugs.



Peter:(whispers) It's not drugs...

Gwen;(whispers) I know.

Curt: Shall we continue our lesson?

Peter: O-of course! Please continue, genetic splicing is really interesting.

He said accidently with sarcasm again.

(Opening theme)

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