Caw the crow croaks craving cruelty

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3rd person POV:

The summer was coming to an end and the trio in their RV began making their way home to Gotham City.

Gwen: Hey guys...

Peter: What's wrong?

Gwen: Apparently there's a gang war going on.

Ned: What?

Gwen: Yeah, my dad just texted me saying to stay away from the city for a bit longer since tensions are high.

Peter: If a gang war is brewing... Then I better get back as soon as possible.

Peter: Ned, make a stop just out of Gotham, I'll get off there.

Gwen: I don't like the idea of just sitting outside the city and twiddling my thumbs.

Peter: Gwen, I get you want to help. But putting yourself in danger for no reason won't do anyone any good.

Peter: And I doubt it will take long to end this. Especially with my new partner.

Gwen: Yeah... I'm still on the fence with you keeping an alien as your new duds.

Peter: I get it, but symby gives me the edge I need the ultimate Spiderman.

Ned: I think it's super cool.

A black tendril grows out of Peter's black shirt and pets Ned on the head.

Ned: Aww~. You can't say that wasn't cute.

Gwen: It's freaky.

Ned: Freaking cool.


(Opening theme)

The bat signal shined bright in the night signaling to the Bat for their assistance.

The commissioner, Jim Gordon, waited next to the signal.

A hero dawned in black, then arrived in silence until they made footsteps.

Jim: That was- huh?

Jim: That was- huh?

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Jim: Spiderman?

Spider-Man: Sorry, expecting someone else?

Jim: You could say that.

Spider-Man: Mind updating me on the situation? I've been busy abroad dealing with other stuff.

Jim;... Since I don't exactly know you that well. I don't think I'll give you everything.

Spider-Man: It's cool. Just tell me what you'd tell any civilian. Or your neighbor.

Jim: Alright. Black mask's crew is causing chaos because they're being hunted.

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