Earlier Summer?

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3rd person POV:


In the middle of a bank robbery, Spidey leaped in to stop it.

But not without taking photos of the battle with his hidden camera webbed to the wall.


While looking for a way to make money.


And immediately failing as a pizza delivery guy because of all the flips he does.

Spidey came across an ad for a certain news-sight that bad mouths most Superheroes looking for photos for those said heroes.

Deciding to take advantage of this, he of course began taking pictures of himself while as Spidey.


Taking his phone, subtly, Spidey says goodbye to his defeated foes.

Spider-Man: Tell the police I said hi!



Having flipped onto a wall, Spidey turned to who tried taking a photo of him.

(Eddie Brock: Photographer)

(Eddie Brock: Photographer)

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Eddie: Come on, man... That would have been a great shot!

Spider-Man: Sorry buddy. It ain't gonna be that easy!


Swinging away as he tried to take more pictures of him, Spidey realized how many are going to try and do the same as him.

Spider-Man:(mind) Nothing can be easy, can it?

He makes his way to school.

(Opening theme)

(Ring, ring)


Looking at his phone, Spidey found Ned calling him.

Spider-Man: Hey Ned, can't talk right now, I'm swinging towards school-

Ned:(on phone) Pete! You need to get to school, now!

Spider-Man: Whoa, calm down... what's going on?

Ned:(on phone) Some guy from our school came in with a gun and bomb vest!

Spider-Man: WHAT!?

Ned:(on phone) He's taken the whole cafeteria hostage. And is asking for Spiderman...

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