A Titanic Spider: part 2

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3rd person POV:

In a vehicle, Spidey and "Net" were being transported to Titan's tower.

Spidey had his face again a laptop due to the wire to connect the laptop and the coms device being so short.

Spider-Man: So what's the problem?

Ned: Uhh... Looks like it runs on a very old Bluetooth model.

Spider-Man: Seriously?

Ned: They probably don't use it, so that's why.

Ned: A update should fix that. Maybe...

Spider-Man: Not giving me much confidence...


He turns to Raven who sat next to him.

Ned: So... How's it hanging?

Spider-Man: Pretty sure that question should be directed to me...

Raven:(sigh)... What do you want?

Ned: Oh, well, since you asked... There's always something I wanted to know...


Ned: Are the feathers on your cloak real?



Raven: Yes.

Ned: Oh that's so cool!

Ned: Did you like... order them on Creggy's list?

Raven: They come from all my dead birds.

Ned: Whoa...

She looks out the window, slightly amused at how gullible Ned is.

Entering the tower, Spidey and Ned are brought into the HQ of the Titans. A large open space where it seemed like they could relax.

It was a real young hero paradise.

Ned:(whispers) Dude, this is so cool...

Spider-Man:(whispers) I know!

Nightwing: Come on, let's figure something out about these men in black.

(Opening theme)

In a lab, Peter was getting to work to track the signal of the men in black at a much larger scale than he could if he were to just randomly swing around.

Spider-Man: Oh man, this computer is so high-tech... Tracking these guys should be no problem.

Spider-Man: If I just make the signal play through the towers satellite dish, then we have a radar on our hands.

Spider-Man: Just need to wait for ping and that's that.

Nightwing: I'll trust you on this. That right there is way out of my expertise on computers.

Spider-Man: S-Sorry if I was blabbering too much.

Nightwing: No worries. I'm used to it.

Spider-Man: Oh good... So... What's going on with Robin?

Nightwing: Um, it's a whole thing. Batman's secret love child came out and kinda took the title.

Nightwing: He outgrew it anyway, so he took the name, Red Robin.

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