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Come on Diana, you can do it.

It's  just a piece of cotton candy.

Chanting motivational words I looked at the house in front of me. Crystal's House.

I really shouldn't have  messed with mafias, this is not a novel world anymore, this is my real It's scary.

That woman forced me to talk to this female lead. Calm down, Diana. It will be fine. Crystal will agree in first time, Afterall she loves Roderic, for his sake she would definitely agree. Who likes to keeps their love in pain? no one. yes, she would definitely agree.

" Excuse me ? " I heard a sweet voice making me lift my head to see  Crystal, she was wearing a  white  knee length dress, her platinum hair was tied up in a pony tail, bangs covering her forehead, purple eyes looked at me, with confusion written on her face.

" Hello, Are you Ms. Crystal White? " I asked as if to conform, even after knowing her.

" yes, I am. '' she took few steps towards me.

" Ms. White, can I borrow few minutes of yours?" I gathered my courage to look at her confused face.

" ...sure." she hesitated but agreed.




She took me in her garden, walking side by side.

" Miss, are you girl friend of Mr. Martinez?" I asked such a dumb question.

She halted her steps, and her sharp purple eyes looked at me, yup, still pretty.

" Ex-girlfriend." She corrected me. Don't get me wrong but this gave me an unexplainable satisfaction.

" We need a favour from you, miss." I blurted.

" Speak."
" I don't think you are oblivious from the situation Mr. Martínez is in."

"What do you mean?"

" He is in dire need of therapy, but he refuses to listen to anyone."


" He loves you, he might listen if you tell him."

Crystal chuckled sarcastically at me.

" And what made you think that I would do so."

"Miss, I know that you both break up, but it's about his life, Please for old times sake."

In return, I recieved a glare.

" Listen, I don't know what made you think that I will do so, I want to have no contact with him and his matters, I don't care even if he dies given what he did to bestfriend's dad, tell him, I said so"

What the-

I looked at her back view as she ran into her mansion not before sending a disgusted glare at me.

If someone asks me to take care of my ex, will I react like that?, Disgusted?
I never had an ex.
But it was Crystal who initiated the break up, she was the one who spouted cruel words to him when he was love-stricken and trusted her.

Now, that I think about it, I don't have a single piece of knowledge about the reason why Roderic kidnapped Cora's dad.



" So, she won't come!" I looked at Mrs. Koay, and the secretary, Davin.

I, once again was at their mansion, sitting infront of them, clutching the hem of my dress.

Davin was in deep thought while mrs. Koay has a frown on her face.

" Mrs. Koay.." I called her out as an idea came to my mind.

" Does Mr. Martinez have any other soft spot, than crystal?" I asked even though I know his other soft spot.

"" she whispered unsure.

" think Mrs.!"  I bit was lower lips, does she actually not know?

" ...he have a soft spot?" Davin who was quiet till know suddenly spoke.

" And it is?" I asked.

" Kids..." He replied. Mrs. Koay's eyes twinkled with excitement.

" I have an idea." I blurted.

" What is it?" They both asked in unison.

" Why not leave Mr. Martinez at Haven for few week"

" ......" They both went silent.

" He would not drink alcohol infront of kids, and i would be able to gave him therapy."


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