34: Fool yourself

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"Lydia,This isn't time for your farce, can you just go back."

"Who said it was farce? This girlie here is smitten by me." Lydia put one of her perfectly manicured fingure under my chin and tilted it upwards.

Only if my head wasn't screaming in pain.

I look as the man sighed in disbelief shaking his head one of his hands on the wound i had given he walked out.

" Now., Continue, shall we?" Lydia looked at me again .

" Lydia." Our moments were interrupted by a manly voice.

Lydia chuckled as if knowing who it was.

" Yes, love." She turned as graceful as I have never been.

" Stop meddling in my business." I still couldn't see the man's face but I can picture him glaring by the tone of his voice.

"Are you sure it's just your business....love."

" Lydia, it isn't time for that, we are having serious problems, get out of here"

" And if--"

"NOW!" I flinched when the man yelled.

Lydia didn't even budge from her place, instead folded her hands on her chest.

"Tch" I heard the man.

Lydia slowly moved and leaned against the wall watching the man like hawk.

" Josh!" The man called out someone.
As i took in the look of the man.

Sharp dark eyes, brown curly hair, he seemed shorter then Roderic, temperament similar to that of Senior, the difference was his unkind eyes .

The man supposedly Josh appeared along with two other men wearing same clothes as him, probably uniform.

" Tie those up."

Those? You me us? God, I hate him.

Josh guy came closer and dragged me back. I was put on a chair.

They lifted up unconscious Crystal up and started to tie her .


A loud gunshot shocked the people in the prison like room.

The boss among the men looked sharply at the Josh guy who instantly let go of Crystal.

" Sir, I made sure to not leave any trace." Josh looked scared.

" Than who could reach here?"

Let me tell you.


Not him.

"It's not him." I snapped my head towards Lydia who yawned, rubbing her eyes.


" He isn't fool enough to not use silencer in gun"

" Lydia, you better not be planning something." The man growled.

" I don't plan,love." She chuckled."i just take actions,"

" We have emergency, go back to the Villa."

After ordering some men to guard us,the man went out.

I looked at the man's departing back as I heard the gunshots increasing with each seconds.

Suddenly. *Bam* one man among the four left to guard us were knocked out as I stared at Lydia with my mouth agape.

She had roundhouse kicked him, with a damn dress on.

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