36: who?

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" ....and than she refused to marry me because I hadn't brought her favorite pastry hahaha"
Said the old greybeard man with his toothy grin, his one gold teeth glimmering like his eyes as he retold millionth time his love story with his wife while looking at her who smiled but pretended to be annoyed.

Dove's Maternal Grandparents, having love story  people beg for.

Grandpa had seen grandma for the first time when they were in twelfth grade since than he liked her, they went to the same college , where he used to try talking to her but grandma was a devoted student who only focused on her academics, a topper , she prefered minding her own business.

He was ignored.
He studied harder and harder to keep up with her.

On the last day of the college he finally confessed to her.
My grandma was flustered and ran away, leaving him confused and broken.

But somehow they met again at a friends wedding.
Turned out grandma had liked him from the college too.
Grandpa pretended that he had moved on.
But it was grandma's turn to woo him. And she did.

" Let the kids rest old man!" Grandma rebuked frivolously.

We laughed at them.
I came here with Olivia and Caleb, because twins can't be separated and Adrian is needed for mother's help.

I lift up sleeping Olivia and followed Dove to a room.
The ancestral mansion's bricks are old , wall huge,voice echoes when one talks.

Grandma is a lawyer and grandpa chef, he owns  a restaurant which is managed by Dove's father.
They are close to my mother, the reason why I was allowed to come here.

I laid Olivia on the bed, I noticed Caleb being sleepy too,since it's mid afternoon.
After telling him to sleep too, I followed Dove out .

To her garden where nature thrives.

I walked though the stone pavement amid of the flowers, roses, marigold, tulips and numerous wild flowers.
Of course the types of insects were also no lesser. For example the bug which just attempted suicide infront of me as it crashed to the stone.

I chuckled and bowed to look closely to it.

For a few seconds it just rolled around and than sat up  on it's four feet , one of the feathery feet rubbing it's own head as if consoling itself. It flew disappearing in the dense world of bushes.

I blinked my eyes. It was quite entertaining.

" Diana!" I heard Dove calling me.

" Yess!"

" Come inside, eat something."

I went inside the mansion, my stomach grumbling.

The dining room had alot more chairs than people residing.
I wonder was there a time when it used to be full with chatters of people.
Not a single chair empty.

I sat on the corner most of them. Dove sat down with me. Scrolling through her phone.

The technology I used to be so attached to.
The phone here is no different.
Social media. Where people talk shit about people, thinking that they are the only person filled with wisdom. God personally provided them with enlightenment of the world.

In my world I was also one of them.
My entry into the world of social media was driven by the feeling to be appreciated.
The thing I couldn't feel around me.
Although people did praise me. But the trust I had in them was same as I had in myself when I say 'just one more chapter'.

The social media actually affected me in both wrong and right way.
It filled me with insecurity of my personality, cause there's always someone out there to point out .

I remember my mind being disturbed when I used to see anything which didn't match my thought process and alot of people actually agreeing to that.

But now that I can have a fresh start, I refuse to be engaged in that.

I looked at the profile of Dove who smiled while watching some sort of video.
Her presence radiating unfamiliar familarity.
Sensing my gaze she looked up.

" Sup?"

I shook my head in nothing.
She closed the phone kept it aside.
"I'll take you somewhere after this." She said softly. She is being careful. Probably because I cried last time.

The delicious aroma of food filled the huge dining room.
I looked at the source. various sort of cuisine and what not, increased my hunger to ten times.
When suddenly the person stopped as if froze as I heard.

" Diana?!"


A/n: who is it?
And guys I had a sudden urge to turn this into a tragedy. Oops.

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