Flamin' Hot Head Injury?

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Good morning, how has your day be- HOLY SHIT THIS IS AN ACTUAL UPDATE??

By now, being veteran readers of this dumpster fire book, I'm sure you've read these messages all before. "Sorry for not posting in like 4 months" "So sorry for vanishing off the face of wattpad" "Sorry for leaving you all hanging"— but I DONT CARE IF YOUVE HEARD IT BEFORE BECAUSE I WILL SAY IT AGAIN. I literally feel so guilty every time that I neglect to write for this fic (and trust me, I want to) it's just that my love for the WoF series is not quite what it used to be. I still engage with content, but it's honestly draining at times. That being said, the closer I get to finally completing this thing, the more motivated I am!Therefore, I am going to try my hardest to update regularly like you guys keep urging me to, and hopefully we can wrap it up in a satisfactory way. This chapter is by no means good, but c'mon, cut your girl some slack. Anyways, enjoy!

(P.S. I totally forgot to talk about this, but the 2 year anniversary of this book has officially passed! It was on July 15, and idk why the fact that it's been two entire years makes me both super happy and super sad. Okay, for real this time- enjoy!)

Kinkajou had always been sure of herself. And that would not change any time soon.
Even if her bestie's intimidating hulk of an evil father was about to sentence her and all her friends to detention for life?

Yep, even then.

"You utter whippersnappers! You intolerable imps!" Morrowseer was fuming so severely he'd started pulling insults out of a dictionary. This was bad. Especially seeing as Kinkajou could only understand about half of the words he was spouting. "How dare you run from me, and how dare you come back here to gloat in my face?" There had been no time for Kinkajou or her friends to warn Moon upon their return to the lodge because they'd come directly face-to-face with her father, the personified version of a wet sock.

Kinkajou stared up at the fuming Vice Principal, unimpressed. She could easily stand her ground in front of anyone, even tall people like him-- although, in comparison to Kinkajou pretty much everyone was tall. Still! She wouldn't let that intimidate her! No being, regardless of size, could ever survive an attack from her epic arsenal of secret weapons-- the various trinkets, many of surprising sharpness stored inside of her backpack. The longer she started at his ugly face, tomato red with rage, the more Kinkajou felt the urge to stab him with the ceramic pineapple sculpture that was her ultimate weapon. It would just be like BAM! SMASH! Pineapple down his throat! the crowd cheers!
But much to Kinkajou's dismay, she was never given that opportunity. Instead, she was given a plastic trash bag, a pair of latex gloves, and the wort punishment imaginable:
trash cleanup duty. Alone.

Kinkajou hated to admit it, but she would have been significantly happier with Morrowseer giving her detention, even if it was for life. At least then she wouldn't have been suffering by herself. Unfortunately, Morrowseer may have been a man from Florida, but he wasn't stupid, and he certainly wasn't impulsive. His decision to make Kinkajou serve her punishment alone was clearly purposeful.

But no matter what his efforts may be, Morrowseer could never stop Kinkajou's resolve. She angrily snatched an empty cola can off the ground while pondering her epic escape plan, which had yet to exist-- Morrowseer had been pacing around camp for the last 20 minutes, observing Kinkajou and the others who had been dispersed to different jobs- that meant she was almost always in his sight, but it also meant that he hadn't come in contact with Moon yet. There had to be some kind of way for her to leave and find her friend without him seeing.

Suddenly, she heard something crunch under her shoe. Kinkajou bent down to see a half empty bag of flamin'-hot-cheetos thrown on the ground- she reluctantly scooped it up, trying not to get the bright red dust stuck to her gloved fingers and in a moment of pure stupidity thought wow, that looks a lot like blood. 

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