The Introverts

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Another double POV chapter! This time with a new character! Enjoy some bonding between two shy kids in the weirdest way ever lol


Anemone brushed her wavy hair and stared at her reflection in the mirror. I look like a pink haired version of Regina George - perfect. She thought. She pulled open her bedroom window and stepped outside. Her 2 inch heels wobbled on the roof tiles, but she kept her balance, Grabbing the edge of the roof and yeeting herself off. She landed on her butt with the least possible amount of grace, quickly dusted herself off, and started to walk away alone-but she wasn't going to Glory's house. First, there was an errand to run.

She knocked on the door of a small green house impatiently. A boy her age with a buzz cut and olive colored skin opened it and bowed his head. Anemone looked at him expectantly.

"well? Did you do what I asked, Pike?" The boy nodded "every freshman got the text-but you should hurry if you want to be ahead" he responded. Anemone smiled wryly. It was time to crash her first ever high school party.


Moon poured apple cider into her cup and leaned against the wall of Glory's apartment. The house was practically swarming with teenagers-talking, messing around, spilling drinks on eachother, etc. At one point, Moon made her way out to the penthouse's balcony and saw one girl push another into the pool for no reason. She felt completely lost in the sea of people, with nothing to do-her friends had mysteriously disappeared somewhere, and she was constantly getting shoved around by strangers in the crowd. The party was mostly seniors and juniors, there were only about 20 people her age, including all her friends, But strangely, no freshmen. It seemed like everyone agreed they were too much trouble-which Moon did not understand.

She dumped her cup of cider in the sink without even taking one sip, squeezed past a couple who had been kissing for 5 minutes straight and into a small hallway to escape the clutter. She had to find some peace and quiet or she might just go insane-even the small side corridor she was in was dotted with people. Finally, Moon found a door that she expected would lead to somewhere that she could be alone-even if it was just a pantry or something, it was better than nothing. She curled up inside the nearly empty closet and hugged her knees, her distress draining away when the sounds of the party disappeared. Alone at last....She thought

But she wasn't alone. After sitting in the wardrobe for about 5 minutes, she felt a light touch on her shoulder. She whirled around and shrieked "SPIDER!!!", slapping the light switch on ferociously. The light blinded her momentarily, but then her eyes adjusted and she saw that the thing in there wasn't a spider, it was a girl with tan skin and short brown hair.

"...Sora? What are you doing here?" Moon asked. Sora looked down. "I thought the party was too loud and messy-so I came here. I couldn't leave because my brother Clay is still here, and he wants me to make new friends..." Moon sighed. "I get it. I came here because I wanted to spend new years with my friends, but they just vanished, plus there's nothing to do until midnight."

Sora patted the space next to her. "You can sit here and pass the time. It's quiet and peaceful." she said

Moon smiled a little. Maybe this party wasn't going to be completely bad. After all she might have just made a new friend.

Can this book please please please get to 5000 reads? It would mean a lot. Thank you....

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