For the love of mangos!

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Chapter dedicated to @Chunk0104, for guessing my Zodiac sign first!

Also few small details from this chapter are a nod to one of my favorite WoF Instagram accounts. The user, unfortunately is no longer active, but their memes will live on! Anyways, here's a bit of Kinkajou VS Anemone for ya...

In life, a person must make many difficult decisions and sacrifices. Some of those decisions you will regret and others you will be thankful for- making sacrifices is never easy. But no choice is more difficult than the one Kinkajou was facing right now.

She had to choose between Skittles and M & M's.

"Ummm...I'll have the skittles! No wait the other ones! know what, just give me both." She hated to hold up the line and keep her friends waiting just because of candy. The six of them had come to a movie theatre to watch the premiere of 'The Lost Princess', a movie made after the book series that Turtle's mother wrote, and she just couldn't walk into the theatre without candy.

"Okay, here I am!" She said as she took a seat in the front row next to Turtle and Moon. Peril was on their other side, with her legs propped up on the seat in front of her, chatting with Qibli while Winter was sitting 3 rows higher than everyone else-he had learned his lesson after that one time Qibli stole and drank his entire cup of Coca-Cola when he left it momentarily unattended. 

"Hey, you want some popcorn?" asked Qibli, getting up to hand her an X-tra large buttered popcorn bag that should have been full but somebody had managed to eat more than half of it in 5 minutes. She popped a few of the pieces in her mouth and leaned back comfortably as the movie began, making sure to kick off her shoes first - it was a mystery to her how people could stay silent and still for two whole hours, even more so with their shoes on.

Everything was fine for the first few minutes of the movie until she started to hear an absurdly loud and annoying slurping sound from behind her. She turned around to see none other than Anemone, sitting next to two of her minions, Pike and Barracuda while sipping loudly on her Starbucks Pink Drink, which by the way was probably going against the 'no outside foods in the theatre' rule. She's probably just here to watch the movie, it is her mother's after all. she thought, turning back around. 

But it had barely been 10 seconds when Kinkajou heard another noise- this time, the song "Say so" blasting from Anemone's phone as she and her friends watched tiktoks and snickered amongst themselves. A few people around them were frowning at the group, who clearly had no intent to stop or let others watch the movie they actually paid  to see. "For the love of mangos, be quiet!" She mumbled under her breath. 

"Um, what was that?" asked Anemone, tapping her on the shoulder. She rolled her eyes and turned around. "Ugh, why are you here?" Anemone hissed, seeing Kinkajou's face.

"Well, I don't know, maybe because I ACTUALLY WANT TO WATCH THE MOVIE- which I can't do now because of you!" She whispered back angrily. Now it was Anemone's turn to roll her eyes. "Well, it isn't my fault this movie is so boring! But mom said I can't have my Valentine's day party tomorrow if I don't watch it - not that it matters to you, because YoU aReN'T iNviTeD!"

"Umm, Isn't it your sister-" chimed in Pike.

"Shut up!" She hissed at him

"Sorry..." Pike glanced down sadly, and Kinkajou wondered what he was about to say before she interrupted him. "Well I don't even care. SO THERE!" she huffed and turned back around, crossing her arms angrily. Parties were her  thing- her whole mantra was "There's no party like a Kinkajou party because a Kinkajou party is actually, like 30 parties at once" (She said that to someone this one time and it just stuck.) But whatever. She would rather spend Valentine's day with Turtle or sitting on her bed devouring candy than go through more drama with Anemone.

"Who were you talking to? Asked Turtle from her left, he had probably been too occupied eating her M & M's to notice Anemone.

"Oh, she's nobody." Kinkajou replied with a small smirk.

Hope you enjoyed a bit of rivalry and I'll see you next week! I'll try to update again before Halloween though, so look out for that. Byeeee!

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