Chapter 1.....

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Before you start reading I want to remind you guys this is Book 2. While it can be read as a stand alone, I do recommend reading "Fear of Falling" first just because those characters will make an appearance in this one. But you don't have to. 

Also, as most of you know I had to change some things in the story. The hockey team is no longer the Maple Leafs, they are called 'The Toronto Knights' now. Yes I know there is the Vegas Golden Knights (my home team). The Stanley cup is now 'The Cup Championship'. And finally the NHL is now 'The League'.  I had to change it because of copyright. Could get in a lot of trouble for having the real names. Your girl is too broke to be sued. 

Just wanted you guys to know that so you don't get confused or comment why it's changed. I promise I do know the real names and stuff. :D

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I do!! Happy Reading! :)

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"You do realize something will go wrong on this vacation right?" I said through the phone as I moved around my office.

"Don't say that you will jinx us!" My best friend Josie Scott scolded. I laughed but knew I was right. Something always goes wrong on vacations. Whether that be forgetting to pack underwear or being put in the wrong hotel room.

"Are you excited to go?" I asked although I already knew the answer. This vacation was the only thing Josie could talk about for the last few weeks. Literally every single day she had to remind us all about it and talk about things we could do while there.

Almost a month ago out of the blue, Josie one day sent a group text to all seven of our friends and suggested we all go on a vacation together. She was adamant that we all needed a good vacation and why not all of us go.

Her boyfriend Wyatt, and his teammates Trevor and Bryton had hockey starting in two weeks so it would be one of the last times they can leave for awhile. Plus Josie wanted to celebrate their Cup win with something more grand than the little party we had a few months back.

It's not everyday your best friends boyfriend, star player of the Toronto Knights, wins the biggest game known to the hockey world. I definitely didn't think a year ago I'd be going on a trip with three of the biggest names in hockey, yet here we are. 

"Of course! Are you packed yet?"

"Jo, we leave in three days."

"So? You don't want to forget anything!" I've known Josie for years and knew how she could get. We've only been on a few trips together, mainly small ones, but she's the type to pack days ahead and then stress that she forgot something. It wouldn't surprise me if she already had her bags packed and sitting by the door ready to go. She's the 'airport dad' who gets there hours early, makes sure everyone has their tickets, and waits at the terminal impatiently.

"I promise I'll start packing when I get home from work." I said as I went over to my desk to grab my notepad. My next client was set to come any moment.

"Remember we will be there five days." She reminded me.

"I will. Thanks mom." I teased knowing she meant well. "I better go babe, have a client coming. I'll text you later."

I barely ended the call when a knock sounded on my office door.

"Come in." I called, snatching up a pen as soon as the door opened. I smiled at the sight of my next client, a young seventeen year old girl who I've been seeing for the past three months.

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