Chapter 25...

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*If you haven't read Chapter 24 go back and read it! Double Update!!*

"I love my fiancé but the guy is driving me nuts."

"Ready for the game tomorrow huh?"

"Don't get me started." My best friend shook her head across from me as she took a sip of her coffee.

This morning when Josie called and asked to go to coffee together I immediately said yes. The two of us haven't seen much of each other lately. She wanted to hang out the other day but I've spent a lot of my time lately with Trevor. So I was in desperate need of some girl time with my best friend.

"I need some girl talk that isn't hockey."

"Perfect because I was just about to ask if you've thought about the wedding yet." I sent her a grin knowing exactly what would we truly wanted to talk about.

"Oh yes!" Josie sat forward with a wide grin. "Wyatt and I both agreed we don't want something huge. Just family and friends." I nodded in agreement. I couldn't see Josie with a huge ass wedding anyways.

"Are you guys thinking soon?" The thought of my best friend getting married made me almost giddy. The two of us have talked about our weddings before and the fact she was about to was a little mind-blowing.

"Okay it may sound a bit crazy but..." Josie hesitated making nudge her under the table with my foot. "We are thinking five months from now."

My eyes widened slightly. Five months. Five months to get a dress, a venue, send out invites, flowers.

"Okay that's.." I trailed off.

"I know." She sent me a sheepish grin. "But we don't want to wait."

Even though she was sitting I narrowed my eyes at her; looking her up and down.

"You aren't pregnant are you?" Josie took that moment to take a drink only to choke on it.

"Tasha!" She coughed into her napkin and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I shrugged. "The way you two go at it like bunnies." Although I guess I wasn't any better at the moment. Josie shook her head at me, her cheeks slightly pink.

"No I'm not pregnant. We both want kids but not right now."

"Well whenever you do have kids I call God Mother." I fully plan on being the cool fun Aunt.

"Noted." Josie laughed. "But that reminds me." She sobered up, reaching across the table to grab my hand. Seeing her serious I sat up a bit straighter. The change of subject couldn't be good.

"I know I asked in Australia but I want to make sure that you really want to be my maid of honor. You're my best friend but I don't want you to feel like you have to be." Josie started rambling. I squeezed her hands to get her attention, cutting her off.


"You're literally a sister to me. I wouldn't have made it through the last few years without you." Tears appeared in her eyes as she spoke. My own starting to tear up. "You pulled me out of a dark place, not once but twice. When my dad passed you were the only person I had left. I want you by my side when I get married."

"Of course I will." I sniffled. "Can't get married without me." Josie laughed as she wiped her eyes.

Pulling my hand from her's I wiped at my cheeks.

"Damn you Josie Scott for making me cry." Who would have thought a simple question would get me to cry. I hadn't come prepared as I knew my mascara was smudged under my eyes.

"At least you look like a cute panda." Josie joked, cleaning her own mascara.

"Of course I do." I smirked. "But seriously, I'd be honored to be your maid of honor."

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