Chapter 3....

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"Everyone we need to be at the airport at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. That way if any of you are late we still have plenty of time." Josie said over FaceTime the night before our vacation started.

I half listened as I sat on my floor painting my toenails. I was in the middle of doing my nails when an incoming FaceTime came. When I hit answer I hadn't expected to see everyone as well. Josie had somehow gotten us all together on one call to go over what was going to happen tomorrow.

At least we had someone taking the lead with the vacation and making sure everyone was set to go. Knowing how our group is we'd have someone forget or do something stupid. It made Josie the perfect person to keep us all in line.

"Jo, our flight doesn't even leave until 9:30." Trevor said in a whiny voice. I resisted the urge to look up and see his expression on my phone. I already knew he was pouting at Josie for having to be up so early. Not that I blamed him. To be at the airport at 7 meant being up at 5 to shower and make sure I had everything packed.

"Trev we all know you're going to sleep through your alarm. This way you can still make it to the airport and not be late." Josie said, almost scolding him like a mother would. Out of everyone Trevor is definitely going to be the one late to the airport.

I dared a glance up at my phone, just in time to see Trevor rolling his eyes. He knew she was right though. Out of all the guys Trevor Hall, star winger of the Knights, was by far the most outgoing, carefree guy. Always joking about something.

"Anything else anyone wants to add?" Josie asked a minute later. I capped my nail polish and looked at the screen shaking my head. I knew our 'schedule' like the back of my hand, thanks to the many texts and calls from Josie.

All my bags were packed, aside from a few things I needed in the morning. All my patients at work had been told I'll be back in a week but if they needed something they can always call the office. I was all set and ready to go. I was already craving the feel of sand in between my toes and the smell of the ocean.

I could feel the excitement through the phone from everyone. Even the guys seemed excited to go. I knew having eight people going on vacation together was going to be hectic as hell but I was excited. Nothing like going on vacation with a bunch of your friends.

"Oh and remember your passports everyone!" Josie spoke loudly over the chatter of everyone. I couldn't stop a laugh from escaping my mouth at the chorus of 'yes mom' that came through the phone. 

Josie pouted over the camera as Wyatt leaned in and kissed her cheek, whispering something in her ear to make her blush. Knowing them probably something dirty. I ignored the small pang in my chest at the sight and instead found my eyes drifting towards Trevor.

He was talking to Bryton about something, his eyes off to the side of his screen. I could only see the top half of him but it was enough to see how his t-shirt hugged his upper body like a glove, little peeks of tattoos showing by the sleeve of his shirt. His hair had gotten kinda long and was laying messily on his head and onto his forehead. My fingers itched to push it back.

Realizing that I was staring at him like a weirdo through the phone I went to look away only for his gaze to snap to mine. Through the phone it was hard to tell who was looking at who but I knew he was looking right at me. It was almost like the phone wasn't even there as we held each others gaze.

Feeling flustered from just a look I quickly glanced away. Stupid Tasha, getting flustered at a simple look! Get a hold of yourself! I mentally yelled at myself.

I tried to brush off the feel of his eyes on me as I listened to whatever Josie was saying, the words barely making it through the slight fog in my head. I dared another glance at the little box where he was and saw he was still looking. I quickly adverted my eyes again.

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