Chapter 28....

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Trevor Hall, star player for the Toronto Knights, made a big splash when he was seen kissing mystery woman at Monday night's game. We've just learned the mystery woman is-Tasha Davis. Daughter to Robert and Jennifer Davis, Toronto's elite Law Firm. We are unsure if the pair are a couple or if it's another fling for Hall, but the two definitely put on a show for the fans.

A picture of Trevor and I kissing was posted right below the article.

"At least it's a good picture." I muttered as I stared at the article written about Trevor and I. I knew there would be something written about us after kissing at his game, so I wasn't all that surprised when Josie sent it to me. I was a bit surprised at how long it took them to print it. That was three days ago.

It was currently Thursday night and I was sitting on my couch, stuffing my face with ice cream as I went over some work stuff. I was going to go hang out with Josie but with a new client coming tomorrow I wanted to be prepared. And I was sulking.

Trevor was away for a hockey game, leaving me home alone. I now understood why Josie and Sydni hated away games so much. Not having Trevor here sucked. I've gotten so use to being around him everyday. Either going to his place or coming home, making dinner together, and watching tv on the couch.

It was probably healthy having some space and not spending so much time together but didn't mean it doesn't suck. He wouldn't be back until tomorrow afternoon which felt like a lifetime. I was trying to distract myself with work but every few minutes I found myself looking over at my phone.

I told myself I wasn't going to bother Trevor but the urge to text him was growing by the second. I looked over my clients file one more time before I gave in. Reaching for my phone next to me I sent him a text. It was a little after eight so he should still be up.

Forcing myself not to stare at my phone until he replied I gathered all my work files and put them off to the side. I wasn't getting anything else done tonight that's for sure.

Curling up with a blanket I switched the tv to some random movie as I waited for my phone to buzz. I didn't have to wait long for a reply.

Trevor: I was just about to text you.

A stupid smile graced my face at his text.

Tasha: Great minds think alike ;) What are you up to?

Trevor: Laying here listening to Bryton snore like a gorilla. If we didn't need him tomorrow for the game I would put a pillow over his head.

I snorted at his text, typing out a reply.

Tasha: If you put a blanket over his head and he suffocates its technically not your fault.

Trevor: That is a very tempting idea. Here.

A second later a video appeared below his text. The sound of loud snoring came through my speakers. The screen was black before the camera was flipped around and Trevor came into view. The light of the phone lit up his face enough I could see him roll his eyes. The video ended with his face staring back at me.

Even laying there ready for bed he was hot as hell. The scruff on his face making him look more rugged which I found extremely sexy.

Clicking my own camera on I took a quick selfie. I didn't look the greatest with my greasy hair pulled up into a bun, no makeup. But I hit sent anyways.

Tasha: You need earplugs!

I added with the photo. It took a minute for Trevor to reply and when he did I immediately got flushed.

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