Chapter 14....

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"What the hell happened to you two?" Was the first thing out of Lydia's mouth. Four pairs of eyes turned to look at Trevor and I as we came to a stop in front of our group of friends. I couldn't even begin to imagine what we looked like.

"This idiot," I jabbed my thumb in Trevor's direction. "Decided it would be a fun idea to go on a hike. And then proceeded to shove me into a pond."

"You shoved me first!"

"No I didn't! You lost your balance and toppled over."

"Well then you lost your balance too." My mouth fell open at his words.

"You are such a liar!"

"Is that why you're covered in dirt?" Sydni butted in. I glanced down at my dirt covered legs.

The trail back to town was pretty much loose dirt which just clung to our wet shoes and legs. Didn't help the wind decided to pick up and pelt us as well. And add in the fact we got lost for a good twenty minutes. My shoes, legs and even my clothes had dirt that turned into mud.

My clothes had spots that were still soaked and my hair was practically a birds nest. Trevor faired a bit better but even his legs and shoes were covered. Between the two of us we looked a little rough.

"It looks like you guys rolled around a mud pit." Landon commented.

"Gee thanks." I deadpanned, self-consciously touched my hair. Wasn't exactly how I wanted to look for this but there wasn't time to go back to the hotel and clean up. A hand on my lower back made me look up at Trevor.

"You still look beautiful sunshine." He whispered in my ear. My damn self blushed at his words. Trying to turn the attention away from me I peered around Sydni.

"It hasn't happened yet right?"

"Not yet. Wyatt took her into a shop just a moment ago so we can get into position." Thank god we didn't miss it.

"Okay everyone fan out." Sydni whispered even though she didn't need to. Josie's camera hung on her neck.

Excited for my best friend, I echoed the grin on everyone's face. Josie had no clue what was going to happen but lucky for her all of us were going to be there to witness it.

We all branched out, taking different sections of the lighthouse but trying to stay hidden. As I sped walked towards my spot I briefly admired the lighthouse. It was the perfect place for this. Not to mention the view. The lighthouse was seated on a little hill that overlooked the ocean. The breathtaking water stretching as far as the eye could see.

Claiming a spot in a little corner of the lighthouse, I had the perfect view of the ocean and the perfect view of Josie and Wyatt. Glancing around I saw Sydni to the left of me a little bit, Lydia was standing by one of those binocular things trying to act normal. I had no clue where the guys were but I briefly caught a glimpse of Bryton's head a bit further down.

Poised and ready to go I waited. I couldn't believe this was finally happening. For years Josie and I talked about finding someone to spend the rest of our lives with. A guy who was everything we wanted and more. And Josie found that. She found her person.

I've never met someone who's put my best friend above everything. Wyatt was the kind of men you search your whole life for and I couldn't be happier that Josie found him. She found her forever.

Blinking rapidly I tried to get rid of the tears threatening to spill. I was just glad I was here to witness Josie and Wyatt's special moment.

Another minute passed before I heard Josie's voice. No one else was around making me think Wyatt somehow got everyone to leave as the two came into sight. The lump in my throat grew as I looked at my best friend.

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