Chapter 19....

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"You're parents are serious about an arrange marriage?"

"Apparently. I shouldn't even be surprised." I traced my finger along the Lion tattoo Trevor had on his shoulder. I was currently laying on top of Trevor, a sheet barely covering us.

It was close to three in the morning but neither of us seemed keen on going to bed. My body still hummed after the last round. I lost count of how many times Trevor made me come tonight and with the way his fingers were tracing my spine, I knew there would be at least one more time before we really go to sleep.

"They've done this before?"

"They've tried to set me up with their friends son's before. But it's been more subtle. Going to dinner and the person's son would be there so I'd have to talk. Or some event and they'd nudge me to go talk."

"Wow that's..." There really wasn't any words to describe it.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"You're parents sound great." Trevor joked.

"Aren't they." I snorted. My fingers kept tracing his skins almost like if I stopped he'd disappear. "Do you talk to your parents?" The words left my mouth before I could stop them. I knew the subject was sensitive when he told me a little bit about them in Australia. I should have apologized and taken the words back but I didn't.

I wanted to learn more about Trevor. Learn what made him into the man he is today, even if that meant learning all the bad parts.

Trevor's fingers stalled on my back and he laid still below me. When a minute or so passed with no word I knew I overstepped. It was too soon for me to ask that kind of question.

"Sorry I-" I started to say, pushing myself off his chest. I didn't make it far before Trevor's hands were yanking me back down on top of him. I peered under my lashes up at him.

"The last time I spoke to my parents was right after I got drafted." Trevor stared up at the ceiling, his fingers once again tracing my skin. I stayed silent as he spoke, laying my chin on my hands on his chest.

"I hadn't heard from them in months. They didn't even call to congratulate me on the day of the draft. I don't know why I thought they would cause they never did...for anything. When I got drafted I was with Wyatt's family. On their couch, cameras pointed at us, as I waited for my name to be called. It's not everyday you get your name called for the third pick, let alone with the same team as your best friend."

The way he spoke about Wyatt and his family I knew they were close. They were his family. Especially when his own never showed up.

"Anyways, it was a few weeks after and they called. Not to congratulate me." My chest tightened at the hurt in his voice. "They wanted to know how much money I was promised and if I could give them some."

I made a noise in my throat but stayed quiet.

"Apparently they needed money for rent, their landlord was about to kick them out, and for more drugs." Trevor shook his head, his jaw tight. "Nothing about me making it to the League or being proud of me. Just wanted money."

My heart broke. All he wanted was his parents to tell him they were proud of him. To see that their son did something with his life. Yet all they wanted was money for drugs, and knew Trevor had the money.

"So I paid their rent for a year and gave them three thousand dollars. Didn't hear a single thank you. After that I cut them off. Blocked their numbers and left them alone."

Looking at Trevor you never would have known any of that. He was always that funny, lighthearted guy. But he was so selfless and caring. Especially to those that he loved, even when they didn't deserve it.

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