Chapter 35....

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Two Months Later....

"Josie help me!"

"Sorry you're on your own."

"Tasha. Babe."

I looked over at Mateo as he sent me a pleading look. His dirty blonde hair dark with sweat and sticking to his forehead.

"You asked to be included." I reminded him.

"I didn't ask to be mauled by little children!" Beside me Josie snorted.

"You weren't mauled." She shook her head at Mateo's dramatic tone.

"They knocked my feet out from underneath me and then tackled me on the ice." Mateo deadpanned, looking at the two of us with narrowed eyes.

"Looked like you just tripped to me." I shrugged. My lips tugged up at the appalled look that took over Mateo's face.

A week ago when we were all over at Wyatt's mom's place talking about the charity event hosted at Landon's ice rink, Mateo practically begged to be apart of it. Claiming he wanted to help and be around the kids. Now it seems he's regretting that decision.

"Guys I can't go back out there." He whined. "I'm too young to die and too pretty."

Josie and I shared at look. The puppy dog eyes Mateo was giving the two of us worked as Josie sighed.

"Fine." Mateo went to cheer but Jo held up her hand. "BUT, if you have to promise to take a picture later with the guys. Multiple pictures." She sent him a look daring him to argue.

"Anything!" Leaning over the side board Mateo planted a kiss on Josie's cheek before quickly skating off. The movement caught the attention of a few kids that seemed to become attached to Mateo.

I watched with a grin as they skated after him, yelling his name as he tried to get off the ice.

"That kid." Even though he's in Uni now he still acts like a little kid. But you can't help but love him.

"Oh by the way!" Josie turned to face me, her camera still in her hand. "We found a venue."

"Please tell me it's the Graydon Hall one." I crossed my fingers. Out of the thirty venues we've been too, yes thirty, Graydon Hall was my favorite. The manor/castle outside, brick walls inside with huge windows. The beautiful garden where the Alter would be. And the entire wedding party can stay there.

"It is." Josie beamed. A little squeal left my lips.

"Thank god." Aside from loving that venue I was tired of looking at venues with Josie and Wyatt. There's only so many places you can see before they all start looking the same.

"It's really happening." The excited smile on Josie's face made my own appear. The venue came just in time too. Three months to go and they'll be married.

"Still can't believe my best friend is getting married."

"Me either."

The sound of little kid laughter drew our attention back to the ice rink. The rink was filled with little kids and players from the Toronto Knights. Every year the team does a huge charity event hosted at Landon's, Wyatt's older brother, ice arena.

The entire team comes out and plays and teaches the kids how to skate and play. The look on the kids faces when they stepped inside and saw the team was adorable.

Josie was here partly for work, covering the event for the magazine, but also to see her man. Just like Sydni and I were. Even Lydia was here although she was claiming she was only here to make sure the magazine got what it needed. But her stopping to stare at Landon said a different story.

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