Chapter 22...

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**If you haven't seen it yet I updated twice! So go back to Chapter 21 if you haven't read it yet!**


Being on the ice was my happy place. My mind emptied and the only thing I had to focus on was the puck in front of me.

The rink was cold but it helped cool off the sweat running down my back. My hair was sticking to my forehead under the helmet as I skated, pushing hard against the ice to reach the puck. I was breathing hard but I welcomed the burning of my lungs and thighs.

Stealing the puck from my teammate I moved around him, my eyes searching for one person. Catching sight of Wyatt I brought my stick back and snapped it forward. Sending the puck straight for him.

With a quick flick of Wyatt's wrist the puck shot right into the goal. Grinning under my helmet I skated over to my best friend, slapping him on the back. A hard smack to my helmet had me looking over at Bryton who skated by.

The sound of the whistle called the end of practice.

"Good job boys!" Coach yelled from the side of the rink. Three hours later and practice was finally done. Despite being exhausted I felt great. Our first game was Monday and I was stoked to finally be back on the rink with hundreds of fans screaming.

The image of Tasha sitting in the stands screaming for me came to mind making my grin even wider. Oh yeah I was definitely stoked for our first game.

Taking my helmet off I shook my head as I skated slowly around the rink.

"What has you in a good mood?" Bryton asked, coming up to my side.

"Yeah, you've been smiling non-stop the last week." Wyatt interjected.

"No reason." I lied. I knew the reason.


This week has felt surreal. Every day Tasha and I have hung out. Whether that be me dropping by her office to have lunch together or going to each others place for dinner. And of course dinner turned into much more, but neither of us were complaining in the slightest.

"You've been MIA all week." I could feel both of their eyes on me as we took another lap around the rink.

"I'm still recovering from jet-lag. Aren't you guys?" It wasn't that much of a lie. I've just been recovering from jet-leg with Tasha.

A few nights ago the two of us decided to keep whatever is going on between us a secret. Just for now. We both knew we couldn't hide it forever, with the paparazzi and our friends are bound to sniff it out. We just wanted to keep it on the low for the time being.

It did suck not telling my boys. Everyday at practice this week I've had to bite my tongue from saying something. But until both Tasha and I agreed to tell our friends I don't say a word. Even if I wanted to shout from the roof top that Tasha Davis was mine.

We have yet to actually classify what we were but I'm pretty sure we both knew it was beyond just a hook up. Tasha was mine.

"To get Sydni out of bed this week has been a chore." Bryton laughed shaking his head at his girlfriend.

"How is finding a house going by the way?" I asked.

The three of us skated to the side of the rink where our water bottles were sitting, leaning our sticks against the wall along with out helmets. We were the last on the ice at this point.

"Good actually. I think we found a house we both like." Bryton grinned. It was still crazy to think that Bryton is buying a house with his girlfriend. Wyatt was engaged. Feels like yesterday all three of us were single, hitting up the bars on weekends.

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