Chapter 33....

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Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault.

"Thank you all for coming to our Annual Charity Gala." My father spoke through the microphone from his spot on the makeshift stage.

Everyone was seated at their tables as my parents finally got the gala started. After my father's speech hopefully they'll get on with the items for auction so Trevor and I can leave soon. Feels like we've been here hundred years already.

A gentle squeeze on my knee had me looking over at Trevor. He sent me a soft smile that had my insides melting. I swear every time I look at him I fall even more in love. How can I not when he's sitting next to me looking like a Greek God in that suit.

While my father was busy talking on stage, I was busy staring at my boyfriend. From the moment I met Trevor I knew he was hot. I mean I would be stupid not to notice how attractive he is. There's a reason he's been named one of the hottest hockey players. But knowing him on a deeper level he was 10x hotter.

No one else sees the sides that I do. See's the caring, affectionate, goofy, guy who I've fallen head over heels for. Trevor is the guy that will be there for someone he loves no matter what. Just like tonight.

"What?" Trevor whispered, catching my eyes.

"Just lookin." My chin was propped up on my chin as I stared at him, completely unashamed. What. He's mine to look at as long as I want.

The corner of his lip curled up as he started running his finger tips up and down my bare thigh. I could care less about what was going on around us. It was always the same speech, the same people thanked for coming, etc. I was just here to look pretty and be silent.

For the next ten minutes we sat there listening to the boring ass speech. The only thing keeping my attention was Trevor's fingers on my leg. He wasn't touching me in any sexual way but just a simple touch from him was enough to light my entire body up.

"Now onto the lucky bidders of the night!" My father announced, taking a step back so my mother could be in front of the microphone.

"Bid on anything tonight?" Trevor leaned in to whisper, his breath fanning against my neck.

"Maybe." I sent him a teasing grin. I wasn't sure I'd win but I didn't bid for the prize. I just wanted the money to go somewhere needed.

My mother started listing off the items and the highest bidders. Polite claps echoed around the ballroom. Some of the bids were close to 100,000 dollars but to most people here it was pocket change. Something they can write off at the end of the year.

"Now the trip to Ireland." My mother spoke with fake enthusiasm. "The money for this prize will be given to the Toronto's Women Clinic. The highest bid went to..." Her eyebrows seem to scrunch before reading off the name. "My daughter, Tasha Davis."

My eyes widened. I wasn't expecting to be the highest bidder. I typically do enough that someone else will want to bid higher than me. I've never actually 'won' anything I've bid for.

Everyone around me clapped, my own parents clapping and looking at me with weird expressions. Beside me Trevor also clapped sending me a wide smile. Awkwardly I smiled and dipped my head.

"So you did bid on something." Trevor smirked once my mother started talking again.

"I wasn't expecting to win." I muttered. I'm more than happy to fly under the radar when it came to donating. I don't want the recognition.

"It's really sweet of you to donate though." Trevor said softly. I met his gaze as he gently squeezed my thigh. "I'm proud of you."

His words made my chest tighten. Leaning forward he placed a soft kiss on my forehead. Closing my eyes I leaned into him.

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