Going Home

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It was a quiet few minutes as Donnie drove to where Abby said she parked her car. But when he pulled into the same parking lot, he looked back at his friend and quietly asked, "Are you sure you're alright to drive?" At the sound of his voice and the concern laced in it, Abby focused on her surroundings once again and looked up at Donnie before looking out the windows to see that he parked in the shadows beside her Camaro.

She looked back at Donnie and forced a small smile on to her face, "I will be." She answered quietly, knowing the Turtles might not be satisfied with her answer. Mikey was kind enough to pull open the door for her and offer her a smile as she placed her hand on his arm in thanks and climbed out of the vehicle. She stood still for a moment before turning to the awaiting brothers with a sigh, "I think I'll head to my apartment tonight though, y'know a comfort thing." She shrugged and watched Donnie and Leo nod in understanding while Mikey was slightly confused but happy that she'll be safe regardless. Her hands were fiddling with the ends of her sleeves while she collected her thoughts, "I'll see you guys later." She said while reaching in and grabbing her bag.

Raph's gaze never faltered on her as he watched her begin to walk towards her car, "Tell Sensei I'm with Abby and I'll maybe be home tomorrow." He said as soon as he made the decision. Hopping out of the vehicle when Abby made it to the driver's side of her car. He did a quick look back to see Leo nodding and the understanding on his brothers faces before making his way over to the car. 

Abby spared him a glance as she fished her keys out of her bag and unlocked her door. "You don't need to force yourself to fit if you can't" She told him, not looking back up as the lock clicked and she opened her door. "You can meet me on my roof." She said, a clear indicator that she heard what he said to his brothers.

"I'll follow you and make sure you get there safe." He said, dismissing the idea of her leaving his sight. Raph walked around to her side of the car quickly and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into him and burying his face into her shoulder while his brothers drove away. Pulling back to give her a kiss, he offered her a smile- which she returned, before pulling away completely. "I'll be right behind you." He said as he melted into the shadows.

Abby waited until she heard him scale the ladder up to the roof before getting into her car. As much as she didn't want to be alone, she also didn't want to make the giant turtle uncomfortable in her car. She was scared about where her thoughts might wander, though she definitely didn't want to admit it, even though it was part of the process of dealing with what transpired and the trauma that is bound to form because of it. It was because of that, that she sought out the comfort of her home, rather than the sewers with the Turtles. She was thankful that Raph decided to come with her, and a small smile formed on her face as she got in her car and twisted the key into the ignition. Her radio came on, along with the engine, and she turned up the music to drown out her thoughts and to keep herself focused.

Raph watched and waited at the edge of the roof while Abby sat in her car, unmoving from the parking space for long enough to make him start worrying. He knew she was scared as it truly sunk in just what happened and all the what-ifs that came along with it, and if he was being honest it scared the crap out of him as well. She never hesitated to shove April out of the way of Shredder charging at them, and he bet she never hesitated to provide the cover that April and Vern needed to get the mutagen and get out of there. Just as he didn't hesitate to jump off the roof after her. Raph continued to watch and listen in case she yelled up for him, but it wasn't much longer that the engine turned on and the music turned up that he knew she was okay enough to drive home.

The headlights of the Camaro illuminated the parking lot in front of her and he heard the car shift before she slowly pulled out of the lot and onto the street. While he followed he couldn't help but think of the conversation Splinter had with each of the boys telling him about the natural course of maturity and the possibility of finding a mate, or something to love and grow with- he always did have hope that the Turtles would find that special something or someone to make their lives a little more complete- and now Raph understood why he held on to that belief so strongly. Raph had been the lucky one to find his other half, and he silently wished his brothers the same luck. The thoughts quickly turned sour as he briefly thought about what would have happened if he didn't catch Abby in time, his soul and heart ached at the thought and he was temporarily blinded at the thought that he almost missed when Abby turned down a different street.

Please still be open. Abby thought to herself as she turned down the familiar street to her favourite coffee shop, thrilled to see that the lights were still on. She pulled up outside just in time to catch Hana come out of the shop to grab their sign from the sidewalk. Hana turned towards the oncoming set of headlights, which quickly turned off as the engine stopped rumbling in turn. Abby could see the beginning of nervousness creep into Hana's stance as she watched the Camaro, so she was quick to open the door and call out to the woman. "Is it too late for a coffee?" Sending a quick text to Raph letting him know of the quick change in plan.

"For you Abby, always. Come on in." She smiled at Abby before picking up the sign and yelling into the shop. "Turn the kettle on, we have a straggler." Abby got to the edge of the window in time to see Ang nod and turn without noticing her walking up to the door. "Are you okay hun? You look a bit pale." Hana asked, concern lacing her tone.

"A lot has happened and I needed this before I went home." Abby answered, almost emotionlessly, but Hana knew there was a tidal wave underneath that mask. Abby sent a quick glance towards the rooftops across the street and saw Raph standing on the roof a few buildings away.

"Come in, come in." Hana wasted no time in ushering the teenager into the shop and to her favourite booth.

"Abby!" Angela said, seeing her favourite customer walking towards her booth. Her excitement was halted when she took in the teenager's stance and the suppressed sadness in her eyes. "What's wrong?" She asked as she made her way from behind the counter with Abby's hot cup of coffee in hand.

Abby fought with herself to tell the events of the day, and decided on the short version- which even to herself was loaded. As she sat and unloaded, Hana grabbed a cupcake from a box and handed it to Abby. The more Abby spoke, and the more she enjoyed the dessert and coffee in front of her, the lighter she became. The older pair looked between themselves in worry as they listened to Abigail retell her day, how she was almost crushed by the falling debris from Sack's Tower and how she saw The Shredder hit the ground from falling off the top of the building.

Hana and Angela looked mortified as they listened to Abigail recount the events of the day and the fear that the young woman felt and portrayed in her words practically brought tears to their own eyes. "Oh hunny. How are you not home, hiding in blankets and pillows?" Hana asked once Abigail finished her retell, Angela nodding in agreeance.

"Honestly that's where I'm heading next. I just needed to come in and get my comfort items from my favourite shop." Abby answered with a small shrug and grin. She had to admit, even though she lied a bit she felt better.

"Give me a moment more and I'll send you home with a comfort box." Angela said as she hurried from the booth the the kitchen.

"Can I also get a large hot chocolate?" Abby asked softly. And Hana was quick to agree as she got up from the booth and hustled behind the counter, getting a large coffee and hot chocolate ready for Abigail to take on the road.

The two ladies finished at the same time, Angela emerging from the back with an Easter decorated box in her hands and Hana with two large cups in a tray. Abby got up from her seat at the booth and pulled a twenty out of her wallet. "Oh no Abigail. This one is on us." Angela declared as she put the box in Abby's hands, Hana balancing the tray on the top of the box.

"I can't thank you two enough right now." Abby replied, tears brimming in her grey eyes.

"Just do us a favour and drive safe. Come visit when you're good to." Hana said as she opened the door for Abby. Abby nodded in response and made her way back to her Camaro.

With a sigh, Abby got in her car and put the boxes and tray on the passenger seat before closing her door and twisting the key in the ignition. She couldn't help the small smile that settled on her lips at the roar of the engine coming to life, she will always be proud of herself for bring the Camaro back to life. With a honk of the horn, both as a farewell to Angela and Hana, and a signal to Raph, she pulled away from the sidewalk and drove the rest of the way to her apartment.

Ok so I realized I changed the writing style. Which do you guys prefer, the individual POV of Abby and Raph? Or this kind of third person/ storyteller/ mixed POV style?

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