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Two days before Christmas and the four brothers, Splinter, and myself are huddled over a table trying to come up with a plan to get Danny back. Donnie pulled up the aerial schematics for the waterfront docks as well as the blueprints for the warehouse. Leo was talking strategy and actually coming up with steps for the plan. Mikey was, well he was doing what he does best, shoving pizza into his mouth. Raph was mainly sitting by me trying to keep my head focused while occasionally putting some input into Leo's plan suggestions. And Master Splinter was going over everything and trying his best to make everything foolproof. As for myself, I was finalizing everything, pinpointing locations, and mainly focused on Leo's strategy.

Putting in a few points for infiltration, and helping to maximize our chance of success, I find what could be a massive flaw in Leo's plan. "Wait Leo, we can't just shut the lights off and jump in." That earned a groan from the leader in blue. "No hear me out." I say raising a hand to shut him up, which ultimately earned me a dirty look. "This is a Foot Clan warehouse. There will be guards everywhere, and some are equipped with night vision. The guy I fought knew where I was at all times, so did Shredder and Karai." I say. I still haven't told anyone what happened in the warehouse, I just can't open up about accidentally killing a man regardless of what side he was on. Though I have to admit, I got pretty close to telling Splinter, but then Donnie walked in and well that just didn't happen.

"Abigail, we've been over this. It seems like there is no way in there with every thing you've said." Leo groans out in frustration. I just shrug at him and leave the table, shrugging off Raph's hand while I step away.

Walking over to the dojo, I decide to try and meditate for a bit until, that is, I was interrupted by Splinter. "Sensei, I would like to tell you what happened that night." I say to the old rat without turning to look at him.

With a stroke of his whiskers, he kneels in front of me and waits patiently for me to begin recounting the events of my kidnapping. Which I did, choking out the words to a few parts, telling him about every detail I could remember, and then slowly getting to the part that hurt me the most. "...I don't even know his name Sensei. I just know I was forced to kill a man."

"I now understand why you did not want to talk about it. But my dear Abigail, you were tricked. And it was either you or him. It was by no fault of your own, but that of the Shredder. You are brave for being able to speak of that night, and you should not dwell on what you cannot control." Splinter spoke softly as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "When you are ready, you should tell the others."

"I will. After I get Danny out of there. Would you be opposed to me borrowing a couple weapons from the weapon wall?" I asked before Splinter got the chance to turn and walk away.

"For the sake of rescuing your friend, not at all." Splinter nods as he walks out of the dojo.

Taking the opportunity, I walk out and over to the weapon wall. Putting on a couple holsters, one for a katana and one for a couple scythes, as well as a few throwing stars and kunais. Leaving the weapons wall, I walk over to Raph's room and grab a sweater. Just as I finish pulling my hoodie over my head, I turn and come face to face with a rather angry looking Raphael. "And why exactly are you all geared up?" He asks with his arms crossed over his chest.

Giving a small, light chuckle- you know, the ones you give when you get caught and you need to make up an excuse, "eheh... Well, uhmm, you see, ahh." I start babbling, making it painfully obvious that I'm trying to come up with a lie. Sighing in defeat, and at Raphael's unwavering stance, I decide to tell the truth. "I'm tired of sitting around and waiting for you guys to decide. I'm going out, now." I say as I worm my way past the beefy turtle.

Feeling an arm snake around my waist, stopping me from fully exiting the room, I turn and look at my boyfriend. "No you're not. You're going to wait until we are ready and we will be ready tonight after the sun goes down." He tried sounding as if he was putting his foot down.

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