Free and Scared

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As I cried my eyes out, I harshly began scrubbing at my skin, washing off what I could in the bathroom sink. My trembling hands roughly rubbing over my arms and face before trying to open my bag. Finally getting my bag open I find my back up clothes for school. Putting on the t-shirt, plain black v-neck, and slipping on my pair of grey sweat pants I hear something clatter to the floor.

Looking down, I see my phone screen down on the bathroom floor. Stuffing my filthy clothes into my bag, I pick up my phone. My fingers still trembling as I turn it on and scroll to the only number I can call. Raph.


Raphael's POV

I was pacing back and forth behind Donnie, waiting for him to find her in a way I couldn't. Since Leo and I had just gotten back from scouring the entire city of New York and found absolutely no trace of her, I practically demanded Donnie try to track her any ways he can. It's been days since Abby was taken by the Foot, days and nights spent looking for her without much food or sleep. To say I was worried was beyond being an understatement.

My pacing and irritable mood was halted when I heard a phone ringing. "Raph, that's yours." Mikey said, using his skateboard to fly around the dojo. 

Running over to where I had last placed my phone, I pick it up answering it in a rush. "Hello?" I almost shouted into my phone.

"Raph-" As soon as I heard her voice my knees practically gave out as relief flooded through my being at the sound of her voice.

"Abby!! My god where are you?!" I interrupted and demanded of her. My yelling got the other's attention and they came running over.

"I'm at the McD's right outside of Brooklyn. Come get me please." Her voice was shaking and I could hear her crying in the background. I never wanted to hear her like this again.

"We'll be right there. I'll call as soon as we get there. Stay where you are." I rushed out and ran out of the lair with my brothers following hot on my heels.

"Where is she Raph?" Leo asked as we ran through the sewers. Thankfully he was letting me lead the way as we got topside and up to the rooftops.

"Right outside of Brooklyn." I grunt in response, jumping across rooftops, the urgency to get to Abby pushing my legs to go faster.

"She's stationary in the McDonald's." Donnie said as he tracked her cell. We traveled the rest of the way in silence, getting there in what felt like record timing and with Mikey not being the annoying turtle he is.

We crouched on the food joint's roof and I brought my phone out of its pocket. Dialing Abby's number, not having to wait a full ring before her voice sounded on the other end. "Are you here?" She said quietly.

"We're on the roof." I confirmed and she hung up. A few minutes later and she's climbing up the ladder, barely making it up the last step before I grabbed her and hugged her.

After a moment, I felt something wet slide down my neck, pulling Abby away from my plastron, I let my eyes gaze over her, taking in her entire appearance. My blood boiling at the marks on her face and neck since she was wearing a hoodie. "Take me home. Please." She whimpered out. Her voice broke my heart. Grunting in response and picking her up bridal style, holding her as close to my plastron as I could, the five of us took off back into the city and towards her apartment.

When we landed on the roof of her building, she shook her head. "Not here." She said. Her voice quiet but her body tense.

"You want to come to the lair?" I ask, looking over at my brothers. They all nodded, and looked at Abby, who seemed to shrink into herself at their gazes.

"Please. I'll go down to get some clothes and some other things I'll need. But I can't go alone." She said. I put her down and watch as she holds out her hand to Donnie, "Bag please." Once Donnie handed her her bag, she took out her keys and opened the rooftop door, going down the stairs to make sure none of her neighbors were out. Looking up she nods at us and proceeds to go and unlock her apartment door. She didn't open the door until we came down, though she had her hand frozen on her door knob.

I could see how badly she was trembling, so I took over and opened her front door for her. I want to know so badly what happened, but I also know that if I pry for answers it'll just make things worse. Walking in to her apartment, Leo and Donnie went through first and scanned for anything out of place, while I wrapped my arm around her waist and led her to her bedroom. She walked out of my grip as she grabbed a small suitcase and began packing clothes and other items into it, going back and forth between her bedroom and her bathroom. "I feel like I'm on auto-pilot." She says when she stops, her eyes staring at me.

"What happened babe?" I ask, softly as I reach out for her, pulling her slowly towards me, waiting for any sign of reluctance. She just shook her head and put her arms around my neck burying her face between her arm and the crook of my neck.

"Something really bad." I heard her mumble against my skin. We stayed like that until Leo knocked on her door frame.

"Ready to go?" He asks from where he stood. I feel Abby bring her arms down as she rests her hands against my plastron.

"Yeah. I just need to write a note for my neighbor Ms. Pearsan." She answers as she goes to her desk and rips a sheet of paper out of her notebook. Scribbling words down and making sure her windows are locked before going for her bag, which I stopped her as I took it, she gets a piece of duct tape and tapes the note to her door. "Ms. Pearsan. I'll see you in a couple weeks. Finally going on that vacation! Merry Christmas and I'll see you in the new year." Locking her door behind her, we all head up to the roof.

Mikey takes Abby's suitcase from me as I pick Abby up and hold her close to me again. "Let's go home." I say and take off jumping rooftop to rooftop. It doesn't take long for Abby to fall asleep in my arms, only waking up when we get to the lair. "Hey." I greet her as she gets out of my hold and stretches.

"Hi." She mumbles back, letting out a yawn. She pats my arm before turning and taking her bag from Mikey, muttering a quick 'thanks' to the others before heading towards my room. Looking towards my brothers, I see they all have worried and concerned looks on their faces while watching Abby walk away.

"Something bad must have happened for her to lose her shine like that." Mikey says before turning and heading to the kitchen, coming back after a few minutes with a plate of pizza. "She's probably starving." He says before heading back and devouring his own slices.

"I'll go tell Splinter that Abigail is staying here for a bit. She needs to heal, and hopefully when she's ready she'll tell us what happened." Leo said before walking towards the Dojo. Donnie didn't say anything, just frowned and walked over to his computers, leaving me with a plate in hand.

Walking to my room, I knock on my door. "Abby? Can I come in?" I call out. Not hearing an answer, I slowly open the door, peeking around to find her sitting on the edge of my bed. "Pizza?" I offer, holding the plate out to her. She gives a sad small smile and takes the plate, her fingers distractedly following the edge of the plate before placing it on my weapons cabinet.

"Raph?" I hear her small voice. Looking at her as I sit down beside her, grabbing her hand and holding it in my own. "I don't know how to cope with what happened. I don't know when I'll be able to talk to you, or anyone about it. But what I do know, is that I am terrified." Her face was haunted and serious, the tears that slid down her cheeks were the evidence of her fear, and her voice was the polar opposite of the one that challenged me almost a week ago.

"I'm here. You're safe right here with me. I won't let anything near ya Tiger." I say as she leans her head against my shoulder. We stayed like that for an hour before she pulls away and wipes her face on her sleeve.

"I need a shower." She says as she reaches for her suitcase and pulls it onto the bed. Pulling out a towel, some clothes and her bathroom products, she stands and places her hand on my cheek before picking her stuff up and walking to the washroom.

Thank God she's back and alive.

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