Healing Nicely

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A few weeks have passed since I got attacked, and since I met the turtles, and I'm almost not broken anymore. I'm getting tired of having to take it easy, in school, at work, and with fixing my car. I had to temporarily step down as football captain, which means I miss the first round of the play-offs. My boss told me to only greet customers and handle coat-check, something I haven't done since I started working there all those years ago. I didn't really care about the restrictions my principal gave me, I mean I got to use the elevator, I had to sit out of gym,and I got to leave earlier on days when I had either work or appointments- today was an appointment day, just typical things. But what I missed the most, was working on my car, my baby. And right now, I'm sitting in Danny's garage, staring at my car, longing to get my hands covered in grease and dirt. I swear my car is feeling neglected as she just sits there. "Don't worry, I'll be back to fixing you up in a few more weeks. I'll get the rest of your parts, put them in you. And a nice new paint job as a treat." I spoke to my car, touching the hood. I was interrupted by laughter coming from behind me.

"She'll be fine Abs. Let's get you to your doctor's appointment." Danny said, waiting for me to get in his car. Sighing, I walk away and get into the passenger seat, Danny closing the door to his garage and getting into the drivers seat. Enjoying the drive to the hospital in silence, with the exception of the radio. Getting to the hospital, walking in to greet the receptionist and get directed to the exam room, I sit on the bed and wait for the doctor to come in, Danny sitting in one of the chairs beside me.

Roughly ten minutes go by when the doctor finally walks in, "Well, Miss Wynters, welcome back. How are you feeling?" The doctor asks, looking at me expectantly. I hate that doctor look.

"Still in pain doc. But not as bad. Just tired of not doing what I'm used to." I give a small shrug.

"Well that's to be expected." He said, that non-nonchalant doctor look still plastered to his face. . "Good news is, you only have about three more weeks. Maybe five. But that's what your here for, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I would like to make sure I'm healing properly. The faster I get these bandages off, the faster I can be me again." I say, a smirk on my lips. The doctor just shakes his head as he sends me back down for x-rays.

Danny and I walk to the radiology department, and into the x-ray office. I decided to strike up a conversation with the receptionist while I waited since Danny and I were the only ones in the waiting room. Finally getting into the x-ray room, and getting them done and over with rather quickly. They said that I was healing quite nicely, my fractured rib practically completely solid again, and my two broken ribs were fusing together properly. I got sent back up to the doctor, who told me that it should take another three weeks and then my wraps could come off. He wrapped me back up and sent me and Danny out the door.

Leaving the hospital and heading back home, I get out of the car, and decide to go down a block and hang out by myself at the park. I didn't want to be cooped up inside, and it was a nice day out. And again, I felt eyes boring in to the back of my head. Looking around quickly, I thought I see movement in a tree surrounded by other trees and shrouded in darkness.

Feeling butterflies in my stomach, and fighting with myself on whether or not I should get up and check it out, or just get up and leave. I get up and move into the shady area before my mind comes to a decision. Once I get to the base of the tree, I look up and catch a glimpse of a bulky form. Feeling brave in who I thought it was, a sense of calmness swept through me as I sat at the base of the tree trunk. "Following me now?" I say loud enough for the form above me to hear, but quiet enough that the people walking by didn't.

"How did you know it was me?" The thick Brooklyn voice answered me. I opened my bag and took out the big textbook that was in it. "Holy crap that thing is huge."

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