He's Awake

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I was back at school when I got the call. "Miss Wynters! What's the rule about cell phones in class?!" My math teacher yells at me while I take my cell out of my bag and hit the answer button, making my way out of the classroom.

"You can punish me later this is more important than algebra." I shoot back at her as I close the classroom door behind me. "Sorry about that. May I ask who's calling?" I say into the phone.

"It's quite alright Miss Wynters, we're sorry to be calling in the middle of your day. But Mr. Eldridge has woken up from his coma." The nurse informs me on the other line.

"SERIOUSLY!?!" I squeal in relief and happiness, before composing myself. "Sorry. Can I come see him?" I ask, hearing the door open behind me.

"I would suggest waiting until after your school day so the doctor's have the time to do a few tests and make sure all is well with his brain and organs." The nurse says to me, a smile edging its way in to her voice.

Feeling a little deflated, I nod "Okay." I mumble, "Once last bell rings I'm running over there." I say, trying to get back some of my deflated excitement.

The nurse agreed with me before saying our goodbye's and hanging up, finally turning to look at the now vacant doorway, meeting my teacher's gaze and holding up a finger because I have to make some calls. My teacher glares at me while holding up the sheet work for today's lesson. "You can hate me some other time. This far exceeds the importance of this lesson." I say as I straighten my posture and puff out my chest slightly, daring her to challenge me at a time like this. I notice some other student's look at me with wide eyes before they shift their attention back to their own work. Turning away from the class, and closing the door behind me yet again, I call Brent. I let him know that Danny woke up and asked for tonight off from work, which he more than gladly gave me the time off and told me to keep him updated. After hanging up with Brent, I called Raph.

"Hey babe." Raph's strained voice came through the phone.

"Working out there Red?" I asked him, my happiness clear in my voice.

"You know it. Why aren't you in class though Sweet cheeks?" He asked.

I scoffed at him, "Because I got a call and I'm too excited to sit behind a desk." I said, the excitement clear as day in my voice.

"Do tell." He said, the sound of weights being put down was heard through the phone, signalling I had his full attention.

"The hospital called me in the middle of math class. Danny woke up! And the nurse said I can go see him after school." I told Raph, my excitement overflowing as I start bouncing on my toes, earning a weird glance from some students passing by. I was listening to Raph when I saw Kenzie coming down the hall. "I know!" I answered Raph half-minded while calling Kenzie over "Red, I'll call you when I leave school. Kenzie is here and I have to fill her in. Love ya." I say.

"Alright. Love ya too Tiger." I barely caught what he said as I hung up the phone and jumped on Kenzie.

"Whoa there Cap'n What's with all this?" Kenzie greeted me as she pried my arms away from her shoulders, laughing at my excitement.

"Danny woke up!" I said, giving her a hug.

"What? Yay!" She exclaimed, matching me in happiness. "Want me to come with you to the hospital?" She asked. Kenzie has been my friend since I met her at the park shortly after moving in with Danny, and knows absolutely everything there is to know about little old Abigail Wynters.

Cracking a huge smile, while mock bowing, "It would be an honor to have m'lady embark on this adventure with me." I said before both her and I burst in to a fit of giggles.

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