Rooftop Help

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A/N: I felt this needed to be something cute, and it ended up being shorter than usual.


After getting out of the shower, and putting lounge clothes on, I head out to see Raph laying on his bed. "Feel better?" He asked, sitting up to face me.

"Physically, yes. Mentally, not really." I say back. I still felt sick to my stomach and like absolute shit, but I was still alive and I was away from that warehouse and back in the sewers with my turtle boyfriend and his family. "I feel horrible for leaving Danny behind though." I say as I plop down on the bed beside Raph.

Wrapping an arm around me he pulls me into his side. "You had to, or else you might not have gotten out." Raph replies, giving my waist a squeeze. "We'll get him back Abby." He mumbles against the top of my head.

"I hope so. He might not be blood, but he's the only person I got." I say. Getting back up, I was about to walk out of Raph's room when I feel him grab my hand and pull me back to him.

"Stay here, please." I look over at Raph, his green eyes staring at me. I picked up on the message he was trying to send me, he was worried.

Nodding at him with a sigh, I stand between his legs letting him wrap his arms around my waist. "I'm not going anywhere." I mumble as I put my head on top of his. "Except to the kitchen." I say as I lift his head away from my torso and unwrapping his arms from my waist. Grabbing his hands before they fell off my hips, I pull on him to get him to stand. Walking out of Raph's room and over to the kitchen, I make quick work of opening a can of orange Crush and passing a can to Raph.

"Hey Abby." I hear Mikey say from my right. Turning to face him, seeing his smiling face staring at me.

"HI." I say back. "What's up?" I ask, hoping he doesn't ask if I'm ok or not. I can see it in everyone's eyes that same look Raph has- just less intense, the look of pure worry and concern and sympathy.

"I was wondering if I can ask you something." He started. Motioning for him to continue, he looked at me with a serious expression before continuing. "How do you celebrate Christmas?" He asked.

Shocked by his question, as I wasn't expecting it, I took a minute before answering. "I don't really celebrate the holiday. Danny and I always had to work through the holidays." I reply. I haven't celebrated Christmas since my parents were alive.

My almost flashback was interrupted by Mikey's voice rising in disbelief "Wait what?! You don't celebrate Christmas?!!" He grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "But it's Christmas! Everyone celebrates Christmas!" He exclaimed, looking at me like I was an alien.

Backing out of his hold and shaking my head, "Not everyone. And I told you, I always had to work. This is the first Christmas in four years that Brent has given me off. Well he's always offered but this year he forced me to take the holiday off." I say, taking a sip from the pop can in my hand. "And besides, I have a couple days before I have to get in the spirit." I say, walking out of the kitchen, leaving Mikey and Raph behind.

Before I could escape to Raph's room, I was stopped by Splinter. "Abigail, may I speak with you please?" The old rat asked and begun walking in the direction of the dojo.

Following after him, quickly finishing the last of my pop before entering the dojo myself, I stand in front of him, "Yes Sensei?" I question.

"You should be resting, child." He started with a subtle shake of his large furry head. "I was wondering if you would like to begin training with the brothers while you stay here, however long that may be." Splinter's black eyes staring at me.

Do I want to start training? Isn't my fighting skills what got me into this trouble in the first place? What could happen if I got better? Would Shredder still hunt me down? How long am I staying down here? All types of questions plagued my mind, causing me to realize I've been standing staring at the old rat. "Can I think about it?" I manage to squeeze the words out.

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