A Bad Start to Winter Break

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I actually have a turtle boyfriend. I must be the weirdest chick alive to say yes to a mutant turtle. But honestly, I couldn't be happier. And so far, with being off school and off work for four weeks- I got off a week early from work, I've spent most of my time either in the lair- or Raph's little hideaway room, in Danny's garage, or with Raph in my apartment. I don't think I've ever had a better holiday since coming to New York.

Right now, I was in Danny's garage, putting together my car's engine. I was almost done rebuilding the engine, and the next step is making sure the transmission is in good condition, and then just putting in new brake pads since everything else is in great condition again. She's almost in her former glory. And come spring, she'll have a new coat of paint, and I'll only have to make sure her fluids are up and nothing seizes, and then it's all the car shows ever.

I was currently stretching my arm down into the engine to fit the timing belt around one of the pulleys, when my peace was interrupted by Danny walking in. The smell of hot chocolate filling my nose, temporarily distracting me from what I was doing. "Damn it Danny." I say as I get my arm stuck. "Put that delicious smelling hot chocolate down, and come give me a hand." I say, trying to bring my arm out carefully without luck. It's actually pretty stuck in there.

"What happened?" Danny said, rushing over to my side, seeing my arm trapped in my car. "I guess she really was neglected if she's trying to eat you." He said, his straight face cracking.

"Just grab that wrench over there, and loosen the bolt poking in to my arm." I say, pointing at the wrench that is needed. He goes over and grabs the wrench, coming back and loosening the bolt that I'm pointing at. When it's far enough along the threads, I take over unscrewing it with my fingers. "Okay, I need you to hold the radiator while I take my arm out." I say, waiting for him to grab hold of the rad before I remove the bolt, and then my arm. Putting the bolt back on and screwing it back on, using the wrench to tighten it. "Thanks for the help. Now where's that cup of chocolatey goodness?" I laugh as I take a rag and wipe my hands off.

"How did you know I brought any in in the first place?" He asked, handing me a cup.

"It's not hard to smell it there Danny." I look at him like he grew a second head, with a question like that. It was then when I finally took in his appearance. "Dude, you look horrible. What's going on?"

"Aside from having more shifts than usual, and having to deal with all the Christmas events and everything at the club, plus worrying about you half the time. I just haven't been sleeping well." He says, taking a sip from his cup.

"Do you need help? I'm all healed up, I can take on some shifts." I offer. He looks relieved that I offered, but still shakes his head.

"You may think you're all healed up, but it'll take nothing to break you again." He said, attempting to put his foot down.

"Then I'll be extra careful. But I'm not letting you tell me no Danny. You're exhausted, you need the help. Who else is as reliable and awesome as me? Nobody. Now I'll finish up here and head out. You go to bed." I rant, pointing to the door and ushering him out of the garage. "I'll lock up when I leave. Oh!" I call out as he slowly makes his way down the hall, turning to me, "I'll expect a phone call for the next job. Got it?" I say. He just laughs at me, nods, and waves me off. "Men." I mutter as I close the door.

Walking back over to my car, and my cup of hot chocolate -can't forget that now can I, I mean mmm chocolate, I take a sip before putting the cup back down on the metal table, and get back to working on my car. About ten minutes later, I feel a gust of cold air, the garage door opening and then closing again. Looking behind me, I see the four turtles standing there. Leo looking worried, Mikey just looking around intrigued by everything, Raph looking directly at me with a worried glint in his green eyes, and Donnie looking at my car. "Um, hi?" I say, my confusion lacing my words.

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