1. Casey's House

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September 25th, 1996

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September 25th, 1996

You knock on Casey's front door. She opens the door and smiles widely. "Hey, Y/n" "hey, Case" "come in" you walk inside her house. This isn't your first time you've been at her house. You've been here when your parents and her parents were having grill outs, you having sleepovers, or just to hang out. "So..!!!! How's Woodsboro so far?!" You sigh and smile. "It's okay.." "aw, don't worry,  school is tomorrow. Which means???" You stand there confused. "Fresh start??" She rolls her eyes.

"No..! New boyfriend, lots of parties, new friends- well, you'll still have me, and..maybe cheerleading..??" You still haven't forgot the fact that Casey is more of a high school girl type and you're more of a person who just wants to be educated and then getting the hell out of school. "Errr..." she grabs your hand and walks you to the living room until the phone rings.

"Probably Steve" "probably~" she says with excitement. Steve is a football player. Not that it annoys you. It's just that he is the most sexual type of football player with all of the cheerleaders. Poor Casey doesn't even know that he's a player. You mostly know Steve because he always has came to family events with you and Casey. Your parents and her parents have known eachother since high school. Your parents weren't a really big fan of Steve but Casey's parents were all about him.

She picks up the phone. "Hello?" You stood beside her to listen. "Hello" "yes?" You gasp a little at the voice. It sounded very deep and handsome. "Who is this?" "Well, who are you trying to reach?" "What number is this?" "Well, what number are you trying to reach?" "I don't know" you bite your fingernails. That voice may or may not be turning you on a little.

"Well, I think you have the wrong number" "do I?" "It happens, take it easy." She hangs up and looks at you. "Oh, god, don't tell me you find that voice attractive" you quickly act normal. "Huh? No, no" She laughs. "Popcorn?" "You bet" you both walk to the kitchen but then the phone rings again. "He probably finds you attractive, too" she jokes.

You roll your eyes playfully and she goes to answer it. "Hello?" "I'm sorry, I guess I dialed the wrong number" "so, why'd you dial it again?" "To apologize" "you're forgiven, bye now-" "wait wait, don't hang up" "what?~" you extend your hand because you want to talk to the man but she shakes her head. You make a fake pouty face and she silently laughs and shakes her head.

"I wanna talk to you for a second" "they've got 900 numbers for that, see ya" she hangs up. "Why didn't you give the phone to me???" You asked fake crying. "It's probably an old man or something" "I don't careeeeeee" you start whining. "And you call me desperate?" You both start laughing and walk to the kitchen. "Oh! How about Jiffy Pop?" You recommend.

"Ew, Jiffy Pop?!" "Why not?" "Too much butter and crap" "they have more types of flavors!" "You can make that flavor, I'll make the LESS buttery kind" you drop your jaw and your eyes go droopy. "BUT THEY HAVE MORE FLAVORS-" the phone rings again.

Billy Loomis x Reader |1996| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now