27. Only You

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(Song for this chapter)

He pulls out of the kiss. "Watch this" he then grabs the knife. What is he doing? "You ready?" He asked Stu. Stu puts his arms up. "YEAH!! I'M READY, BABY, GET IT ON!!" Billy then stabs Stu in the stomach. Your eyes go wide and Sidney squeals. "My turn!" Billy gives him the knife. "You're going to stab yourselves to frame Sidney's dad like he was the killer..?" You asked.

Billy smirked. "Correct again, doll" "wait, but..you're going to kill me?" Your heart breaks. His eyes go a little wide and he steps closer to you. "Kill you? Kill you..?" Uh, oh. Were you meant not to say that? He leans in once again and kisses you then pulls away. "You would be the final girl. Isn't that exciting?" He whispered. "But not only that, but.." he then starts putting his fingers through the belt loop of your jeans and pulls you close.

Butterflies fly everywhere in your stomach. "But you will also be mine. Only you" he whispered. A little smile appeared on the corner of your lips. He turns away and looks at Stu. "Remember, only the side" Stu nods and Billy holds onto Sidney's hair. Stu stabs Billy on the side. "FUCK!! GOD DAMNIT, STU!!" Billy yelled.

"Sorry, I guess I got a little too zealous" "give me the knife" "no.." "give me the knife!!" Stu just stands there. "NOW!!" Stu hands him the knife. "You see, Sid, everybody dies, but us! We're gonna carry on and plan the sequel because let's face it, baby!!!! These days, you gotta have a sequel!!!" He yells.

"You sick fucks, you've seen too many movies" Sidney whispered. You rolled your eyes at her. "NOW DON'T YOU BLAME THE MOVIES, SID, MOVIES DON'T MAKE PSYCHOS, MOVIES MAKE PSYCHOS MORE CREATIVE!!!" Billy yelled stabbing Stu repeatedly. You look away each time because the blood makes you wanna gag.

"I'll get the gun, you untie pops, okay?" Billy said. Billy backs away for a moment and whispers into your ear. "You're not being held hostage, babe, you're welcomed any moment to leave, I'll catch up," but there's no car except for Dewey's which you can't find the key to since Stu took it. You just nod and he grins.

Billy Loomis x Reader |1996| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now