28. "Faked" It (FINAL)

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(Song for this chapter)

"Houston! We have a problem here!" Stu said. "What?" Billy replied. "I put the gun right here, man! It's gone.." you just stand there, narrowing your eyes everywhere trying to find the gun for them. Hold up, why are you helping? "Where the fuck is it?!?" Billy yells. "Right here, asshole" you look up and really? Gale? Well, at least she came here, otherwise, some shit would've went down worse. "I thought she was dead!" Billy complained. "She looked dead, man..still does.." Stu joked.

"I've got an ending for you, the reporter left for dead in the News van, comes to stumble on you two dipshits..!" She said. "I like that ending" Sidney said. She then grabs your hand without you noticing and grabs the voice changer out of her dads pocket then drags you somewhere. "What are you doing..?!" You whispered. She then pulls you both into a closet as you see Billy kick Gale on the porch.

You look at him for a second before she pulls you into the closet. "What are you doing..?" You whispered, again. "Billy is a manipulator, so he doesn't actually love you, Y/n..believe me...! He only wanted you, so you could be the final girl in his movie..!" Your heart breaks and you suck in your bottom lip about to cry.

She grabs a black robe and mask that she finds hanging on the jacket rack. Jesus, Stu. She puts it on then looks at you. "Stand back and close your eyes when the closet door opens, okay?" You don't listen to her and sit down against the wall crying. Why did I move here? Why did I fall in love with him? Why is she helping me right after I just kissed her boyfriend? So many questions and thoughts are running through your mind.

You then hear Sidney use the voice changer and say "are you alone in the house?" What the hell is she doing? You then start to hear Billy yell curse words at her. "BITCH! YOU BITCH, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!? WHERE'S Y/N!??!" She covers your mouth so you don't say anything.

You're too upset to say anything. So he basically just "faked" it? Amazing..
"BITCH!!!!!" You hear him yell. He walks over to the closet and opens it. You don't look at him and you just look down as he gets distracted by the TV that Randy had left on. Sidney grabs an umbrella and stabs Billy. You look and see him grunting and yelling as he falls down "dead".

"You can come out now" she said as she takes off the mask. You keep your sight down with tears trailing. She hugs you. You felt like an idiot now. But was it true or did she just not want you dating a murderer? Stu then comes out from the other way. He sees you but goes after Sidney instead.

You just stand next to Billy as he lays there. You grab his hand and lace your fingers together. Oh, shit. He's still breathing. You get up and back away, but it's until you hear the TV fall. You run into the living room and see the TV on Stu. It must've electrocuted him. She gets out and looks at you. You look down ashamed. "Y/n.." she hugs you.

You hug her back. Randy then jumpscares you both. "Oh, my god, Randy, I thought you were dead!" Sidney said. "I probably should be, I've never been so happy to be a virgin" Billy then punches Randy and tackles Sidney. Not knowing what to do and not wanting to help, you just stand there and watch but then Sidney puts her finger in the stab hole.

You flinch, but then Gale shoots him. Sidney gets up and helps up Randy. You walk over to them to check to see if they're okay. Sidney walks over to Gale and takes the gun. You just stare at Billy's "dead" body. "Guess I remembered the safety that time, you bastard.." Gale said. They walk up to you and look at Billy. Randy puts his chin on your shoulder.

"Careful, this is the moment when the supposedly dead killer comes back to life for one last scare.." Randy warned. Like he said, Billy jumpscares you guys and Sidney shoots his head making you jump. "Not in my movie" Sidney said. Sidney's dad then comes out from a door. "Dad! Randy, Y/n, help me out" you both walk over to her and help untie her dad.


You are sitting in the ambulance van with Sidney. "You're not mad at me?" You asked her. She looks at you. "A little, but you had no idea so you're okay.." you nod. She looks down at your hand. "What're you going to with your future now?" Sidney asked. "Oh..I don't know" you replied. "You should come to college with me. I think it'd be better for us to get away from here."

You smiled. "I think so, too." You said back. You missed Billy though. Randy comes over. "Crazy year" he said. You guys nod and laugh. You 3 stand up and group hug.

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Billy Loomis x Reader |1996| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now