15. Stressful Day

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You groan while the alarm clock is still beeping. "I'm up! I'm up!" You yell. You get up. You roll up your sleeve to check on the cut and great. There's blood covering the bandage wrap. You look over at your bed. Fuck! IT'S STAINED! You feel stressly upset. "I hate this FUCKING TOWN!" You yell, kicking over the radio box.

You feel your eyes watering again. "Fuck everything.." you say going to go and take the bedsheets off. You go downstairs to spray it with stained spray to remove the stain. The killer pops up in your head. The thought of him slicing your shoulder as you blocked Sidney from getting hit and seeing Casey's body being guttedly hung. You scream at the top of your lungs. "I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!!!!" You start crying.

An Hour Later

You sigh and get off your bike, putting it on the bike rack. You rub your eyes. You were very tired. Up all night with this stupid case. You keep rubbing your eyes as you walk into the school. Not seeing where you're going, you slam into someone. "Shit, I'm sorry-" it was Billy. "Oh..." "you okay?" He says holding your arms. "Y-Yeah, I guess..." his eyes shift to your shoulder. "Whoa, what happened?"

"It's..." you hesitate to answer him. "It's um...." he stares still waiting. "It's nothing..I have to go-" before you could walk away, he grabs your hand. "Y/n....you still don't think I did it, right?" "I-..." you look down and start crying again and you look back at him. His face goes to a sad expression when he sees you cry. "I don't know anymore, Billy. 2 days in one fucking week. Do you know how many questions, death threats, and insults I've been getting all week because of what happened to Casey and Steve? I didn't come to Woodsboro to witness a murdering spree. I came to get an education, then get the fuck out.."

You shrug off his grip and walk away. He stands there really upset. He just wanted to hug you tightly like you're his and kiss you till you both die. Of course he knew about your shoulder being sliced. When he got out of jail, he screamed the living shit out of Stu.

Earlier This Morning With Stu And Billy

Billy walks inside of Stu's house. It's a good thing his parents weren't there. Billy was going to give him a piece of his mind. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT LAST NIGHT?!!?" "What, man?!" "I TOLD YOU TO ONLY ATTACK SID, NOT Y/N!!" "SHE STEPPED IN THE WAY TO BLOCK ME FROM HITTING HER, MAN!" "YOU COULD'VE PUSHED HER OUT THE WAY, NOT SLICE HER FUCKING SHOULDER, YOU DUMB FUCK!!"

"Whatever, dude!" "I should've been in that costume instead, asshole" Billy mumbles.

Back To You

You are standing by your locker. You almost forgot that you're next to Billy. Sidney's locker is down the hall. She sees you and waves. You wave back and get the stuff you need out your locker. You then hear yelling. You turn around and there is a person dressed in the killer costume running around. They run up to you and you scream. People start to laugh at you.

You quickly grab your stuff and slam the locker shut. You run down the hall past Sidney who also looks terrified. You run down the stairs and see Billy coming. "Woah woah, hey, what's wrong?" He says grabbing your hand. "Leave me alone!" You slap his arm and run down the stairs to the nearest bathroom and go inside the stall crying. "Why me, why me, why me?.."

"I hate this school..I hate this school..." you mumble. The bathroom door then opens.

Billy Loomis x Reader |1996| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now