24. What Scariness Is Really About

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"Why are you doing this?!" Sidney yells. "It's all a game, Sidney" Stu said. "It's called GUESS HOW I'M GONNA DIE!" "FUCK YOU!" You cover your ears from the yelling. "No, no, no, no..we already played that game, remember? You lost!" Billy said pointing the knife at her. "You see, we ask you questions and if you get it wrong, BOOGYA!! You die!" Stu teases.

"And you get it right, you die" Billy shrugs. "You're crazy, both of you" you look at her. The term is called psychotic. "We prefer the term psychotic" Stu said. Billy then looks at you and hands the knife to Stu and takes the gun and walks over to you. You back away closer to the counter just in case he had shit to say or do.

He steps close to you and you step your feet back. "Hey, doll" he whispers. You look at Sidney as her eyes are shifting between you two. "Don't look at her, baby, look at me" he said putting his thumb on your chin and moving your eyes to him.

He smiles evily and arches his torso against yours and wraps one arm around your waist. "What're you doing..?" Sidney breaks the silence. "I didn't tell you face to face, but it's what I've always felt" you furrow your eyebrows. "You may not know me, but I know you, babydoll. You see, ever since you met Casey, I've been all about you. Not your looks, but the way you made me feel"

"You fucking cheater..." Sidney whispers. "We both know that you have a motive, babe" Billy said. He's watched enough horror movies but not enough to know what scariness is really about. You look at him and Stu then Sidney. "I don't know if you know, but it's not always about the motives" Billy's and Stu's eyebrows furrow and they look at eachother.

Sidney looked confused. "It's about what's behind the eyes" Billy stands there frozen and Stu nibbles on the knife nervously. "Not only that but what's the character, what's the blood represent? That's what's always missing" Billy's jaw drops slightly and his pupils grow a bit smaller and Stu's eyes go wide.

Sidney slides away from you a little. Billy then smiles like a devil and Stu is now frozen. "Good girl" Billy said bringing himself closer to you. "That's a very good girl" he then leans in and kisses you softly. Your eyes go wide and you narrow your eyes towards Sidney. Tears are sliding down her face. You try to push him away but he wraps his arms around your body making it impossible for you to pull away.

Muffle muffle. He pulls out the kiss and looks at you. "You're just like me, baby" he whispered. He then makes his way over to Sidney. That wasn't good. Not the kiss. The fact that your crush, your bestfriends boyfriend, a psycho, kissed you. Sidney's going to hate you. Well, her mind can't crash things, right?

Billy Loomis x Reader |1996| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now