25. Say It

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"Why?..why did you kill my mother?" Sidney cried. "Why..? WHY!??!?" Billy yells. "You hear that, Stu, I think she wants a motive.." Stu laughs a little. "I don't really believe in motives, Sid, I mean, did Norman Bates have a motive?" "Nope" you and Stu say at the same time accidentally. Billy smiles at you. You zone off.

This is not good. If Billy and Stu dies tonight because that's what happens. The murders always die leaving the survivors and final girl. "Let's face it, Sidney, your mother was no Sharon Stone" Stu joked. You look at Sidney but she avoids your eyes. Billy comes back over to you and grabs your arm and holds you against his chest. He shows you to Sidney.

"Tell her, Y/n" you're confused. "Tell her how much you love me" oh, god. Sidney looks at you. "I've never loved you, Sidney. I've loved Y/n since day one. So tell her, Y/n, you know it's true" what would happen if you said no? You do love him, but saying it to your bestfriends face? "Say it, baby" he whispered into your ear.

"I..I love Billy..." Sidney's eyes go sad. "Tell her how much" Billy whispered again. "And I love him with every piece of me.." Sidney furrows her eyebrows. 'I'm sorry' you mouth to her. You really weren't sorry. You actually loved him.

Billy Loomis x Reader |1996| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now