9. Class Obsession

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"Well, the bell rang, so which means it's time to go put our stuff in our lockers and then head to class. Let's see your locker number-" her eyes go wide. "What the hell" Sidney says. "How are close to Billy?" You were confused by this "Billy" guy. She shakes her head and leads you to your locker. You see a guy with brown hair parted on each side. He is wearing a white and grey shirt with Jean's and hiker boots. It's the same guy you saw in the hall earlier.

Sidney walks you over to your locker which is right next to the guy. "Hey, Sid" he says giving her a kiss. Oh, shit, that's her boyfriend? He sees you and smiles with a little bit of sexual sense in it. "Billy, this is Y/n, Y/n this is my boyfriend, Billy" she says. Why does it feel like all of the sudden your heart drops a little at that. 'Boyfriend'. "Hi" you say shaking his hand. "Hey" he says. Sidneys eyes shift between you two. "Okay, Y/n, so your locker is right there".

She says pointing at the one next to Billy's. "Oh, okay" you go to your locker and open it and see an envelope. What the fuck is this? "Hey, guys, is this suppose to be in here?" You say showing it to them. Tatum shrugs and Sidney looks at it. Billy steps in and takes it and looks at it. "Oh, um, this is something that all new students get.." he says sounding suspicious. "Oh, okay" you put it in your folder and you can feel him smiling.

The Night Before You Came

Billy sneaks over to your locker and puts an envelope inside. It's a love letter. He doesn't want Sidney to know about his feelings for you. He doesn't love her at all. He only loves you. He kisses the envelope before putting it inside your locker.

Back To Present

"So, I have Art first?" You say. Sidney looks at Billy. "Oh, yeah, you're in that class, too. Follow me" he says grabbing your hand. Sidney looks at you both weirdly. "Umm..I don't think we should hold hands.." you say. Not that you're uncomfortable, it's just that you're not a boyfriend stealer. "What's the worst that could happen?" He replied laughing. You smile and look down. He walks you both into the class and luckily, you're the first ones.

"They don't make you stand up and present yourself anymore" he smirks. You look around. "Well I would have to be told where my seat is-" "you sit next me, doll" "oh.." you sit next to him and he scooches your desk a bit closer to him. "Umm..." he looks at you. "What?" He stares at you with those black eyes. "N-Nothing.." he glances back and forth at you.

In The Middle of Class

"Work on whatever you want for now, but no bathroom breaks!" the teacher yells. You sigh. Oh! You just remembered. That envelope. You take it out your folder and Billy is watching you. You open the envelope. Billy watches you very carefully.

Looking at you makes me go crazy ♡

You furrow your eyebrows. Isn't this a thing that new students get? What the hell? You tap on Billy who was already looking at you, weird. "Hey, umm..you said that this is a thing that all new students get, right?" He shrugs and smirks. "Okay then.."

He takes out a piece of paper and starts drawing you. He bites his lip looking down at your breast and your chest. After he is done, folds it up and puts it under his folders. His plan was to put it in your backpack while you're not looking. He keeps his eyes on you each second.

Billy Loomis x Reader |1996| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now