18. Shopping

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(Song for this chapter)

1 Hour Later

You are trying to find an outfit. You've decided to go to the party. You're not going crazy with your hair though (ignore if bald), only just brushing it. You found an outfit and you put it on. You startle when the phone rings. You go to pick it up.

"Hello?" "Hey, Y/n" it was Tatum. "Oh, hey" "you coming to the party tonight?" "Yeah, I guess.." "okay, so me and Sid are going to the grocery store to get some things for the party, wanna go?" "Sure, I'll be there, but what store is it?" "You know, the one by the school downtown?" "Yeah" "mhm" "okay, see you there" you hang up and slip on your shoes and run out the door and onto your bike.

3 Minutes Later

You park your bike on the rack and see Tatum and Sidney. "Hey, guys" "heyy" Tatum says. You walk next to Sidney. "You think Billy will be there?" "I hope not, I told Stu to keep his mouth shut" your heart fluttered a little at the thought of Billy being there.

You guys walk inside. "Billy's right, you know, whenever he touches me, I just can't relax" Sidney said. "So you have a few intimacy issues as a result of your mother's untimely death, it's no big deal, Sid- Y/n, can you go to the beer aisle and grab 10 packs of beer?" Tatum asked. Jesus. "Yeah" you walk to the aisle across the store and grab a pack. You go to grab the beer and get out the fridge.

You turn around and look at the circle mirror hanging on the wall. There appears in the corner the same man dressed in the same costume you saw last night. You gasp and drop the beer. It breaks and spills everywhere. The manager comes over. "I am so, so, sorry, let me pay you extra-" "it's alright, dear, you don't need to pay anything" "I insist..I'm so sorry..-" "it's alright, dear.." she rubs your shoulder.

You nod and grab another pack and rush back to Sidney and Tatum. "Can we please hurry up?" you say scaredly. "Did something happened?" Sidney asked. "I don't wanna talk about it, can we just please hurry up..?" They nod and go quicker. Your heart is racing like it's about to stop.

Billy Loomis x Reader |1996| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now