6. Stalking

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You are at home, in your room, still devastated and shocked

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You are at home, in your room, still devastated and shocked. Casey was forever remembered, but the big deal right now...is the man. Hard to explain, crazy in particular, and feeling weird for this guy. He didn't kill you. That was very questionable and unfair.

He didn't kill you, maybe because he only cared for your looks and will probably take your life when you finally turn ugly. Who knows?! Your teeth grit together and you look in the mirror that is hanging on your door. Your face turns red and your body boils. You scream and punch the mirror. You start screaming and crying. It's a good thing that your parents are on that business trip.

Casey died, Steve died, and your hand is bloody after smashing a mirror. Even though Casey was a bitch the whole entire night, she was still something to you. You run to the bathroom and open the mirror cabinet to search for a med kit. "Stupid me...Stupid me.." you find the med kit and open it. You grab the bandaid wrap and wrap it around your cut open knuckles. You hiss in pain but takes a deep breathe.

You put it away and walk back to your room. You tangled your hands in your hair feeling stressed, traumatized, devastated, crazy, and wanting to scream more. You start crying uncontrollably. You lay in your bed wanting to die but knowing that there could be better things ahead of you. "Fuck my life..." you whisper. You turn on the TV to calm down but the station makes your situation worse.

Casey Becker and Steve Orth, two high school students, were found brutally murdered inside of Casey's home. Y/n
L/n, one of Casey Beckers friends has claimed that she was also there, but was told to step into the bathroom without a reaso-

You turn it off. You put the remote on your nightstand and look up at the ceiling. So many feelings, words, hatred running through your mind at the moment. You chose not to change into your pajamas so you just sleep in what you have. You turn off the lamp on your nightstand and lay on your bed. You see a water bottle on your nightstand and drink it. So refreshing but is scratching your throat. Maybe it's because of the awful screaming. You look by your door and see the glass still sitting on the floor.

You know that you'll probably have no time cleaning it up tomorrow since- oh shit. You have school. Your new school. You groan and face the wall. Your eyes get heavy and you fall asleep. Without knowing, you left your window open. Wide enough for Billy to come in.

He climbs onto your roof quietly and steadily. He sees that your window is open and smirks. He peeks his head in your room to make sure that nobody is there but sees you sleeping. He steps into your room fully very quietly and carefully. He stands up and walks towards your bed. Luckily for him, your floors don't creak so you can't wake up and see him.

He looks at your body studying every inch of you. He wants to hold you so bad so he can show you how much he wants you but there was a huge investigation. His eyes land on your hand, which has the bandage wrapping. He saw how you smashed your mirror since he was standing behind a tree staring at you from down below.

His heart sinks. He wants to help, but Jesus Christ. HE CAN'T! He walks around your room looking at every item. He sees the posters on your wall of a couple of horror movies. He evily smiles when he sees that you have really good taste in horror movies. He picks up the stack and looks through them. His evil smile goes wider. "That's my girl" he whispered lowly. At Casey's house, he was looking at you and he heard all of the little mumbles and whispers you were saying while she was being quizzed. He realized that you're smarter than the blondie.

His brown hair parts on each side as he looks up at everything on your wall. He then accidentally steps on a piece of glass and quickly looks at you to make sure you're still sleeping. You move a little but continue sleeping. He smiles and pulls out his camera and points it at you again. He makes sure the volume and flash is down so you won't wake up.

He takes pictures of you sleeping. He has actually known you since you and Casey first met which was 6 years ago. He had always hated Casey and that's when he saw that she was playing with you in her house. He was walking by with his mom and saw you in there laughing, having fun, and being a kid. At that moment, he knew he loved you and he still does. He wants you. Badly. He's obsessed with you. Not by your looks. The way you make him feel.

He wants all of you. Not a single part missing. Yourself. Just yourself. He finishes taking the pictures and puts the camera in his pocket. He walks over to you and leans down and kisses your cheek. "See you tomorrow, babydoll" he walks off and keeps his eyes on you as he steps out the window and closes it. He swings on the branch to jump down off the roof.

Billy Loomis x Reader |1996| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now