5 The Game Begins

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It had officially begun. The nightmare was real and after explaining the rules to the guests, Giles was met with pure emotion. Montana particularly, she marched up to Giles and demanded to be taken home. "I'm sorry madam but escape is impossible, the killer has made that quite clear." Caleb was angry. He slammed his hand into the wall. "Why is this happening?" He yelled at Giles. Natalie was pale white despite the color of her skin, she was in pure shock. Andrew fell to his knees while Vivian comforted him. She pulled out a handkerchief and offered it.

They were gathered in the sun room now, Amelia's body had been removed from the foyer. The guests were frantic and some even prayed. Prayed to what? Giles didn't know but he hoped it would save them all.

"Dear guests, once again. There are three areas you must choose to investigate. The crime scene, the morgue, and the last known whereabouts. Choose wisely dear guests."

Regina opened her mouth to say something but shut it. However it was Grant who finally spoke. "This is all bull! The second I get out of here. I am calling the police!" He balled his hands into fists. "Let's just all pick a place to investigate so we can get out of here." Natalie interjected. They knew she was right. It was time to begin the game this sick twisted killer had created.

As they walked toward their chosen areas, many glanced around at each other. The last thing Giles had said, was that the killer was among them. This meant it could be anyone. This thought formed a dark cloud around the guests heads as they took their different paths.

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