30 Gassed In

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As Vivian and Caleb approached Andrew's suite, Lana stopped them as well as another maid who went by Daisy. "Before you may enter, you must put on these masks." Lana showed them a bowl of gas masks. "Please take one." The pair each grabbed a mask and took one look at each other before entering Andrew's bedroom.

It was foggy or smoggy or something and you could barely see in front of your face. They surveyed everything they could see. "Is this poisoned gas?" Vivian mouthed to him. He shrugged. The truth was that he didn't know, but they were wearing gas masks for a reason. It couldn't be healthy to breathe in.

They wondered if this was used to kill Andrew but they had seen him alive so what could this possibly be? Vivian surveyed the vents. Just as she'd suspected. They were sealed. She had been lacking a friend in this house so she did decide to show Caleb this. "I thought maybe me you and Natalie can make a truce." She expressed.

Caleb ended up agreeing to this alliance. He had been having a hard time facing the fact that he could trust no one, but he had a few guesses who could be the killer and it wasn't Vivian and it certainly wasn't Natalie. Together the two talked about what could and couldn't be. At the end, they each came to the same conclusion. "We should go down to the library, there may be some book in there that talks about poisonous gas." Vivian got up and Caleb followed. "It's our only shot."

Neither of the two had taken the time to explore the library, but as the time ticked down, they found themselves browsing. Caleb found a book about poison and pulled it from the shelf. "Carbon monoxide." He pointed to it as Vivian rounded the corner of a bookshelf. "Dear God, poor man." She paused. "Wait, did we check where the gas was coming from?" Caleb shook his head and once again they raced against time as the two pounded up the stairs. They passed Lana who shook her head and the bell rang.

In truth, there were about 10 minutes left for the pair to explore, but Lana the maid, had other ideas. For the few days the guests had been there, she had watched them and practically had guessed who the killer was. She needed to get them all in the same room, to accomplish her plan. This started with creating a panic.

"I must end your time, there is an emergency in the billiards!" She frantically waved her hands and the two, Vivian and Caleb rushed back down the stairs. They joined the others in the room. "What's going on?" Tripp asked, looking around. "Where's Giles?" The butler was nowhere in sight. The guests turned at a sound, just as Lana and Daisy slammed the doors shut. There was a deathly quiet for a long few minutes and then suddenly the lights of Dawson manor......went out.

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