31 Lights Out

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There were no windows in the billiards room which made the darkness pitch black. It was so dark that you couldn't even see your own fingers in front of you. There were screams and panicked yelling as the guests frantically tried to search for a light switch. "Oh my God!" Tripp's voice was just audible through the panicking screams. Lizzie could be heard hyperventilating. Grant who was near the door,  felt for the handle and pulled. "It's locked!" He screamed.

"We're all gonna die!" Regina wailed. It seemed as though this was yet another game of the killers but it wasn't the killer who snuck in through a secret door in the room. It was Lana and Giles. Giles had believed the maid when she'd told him her plan and who she thought might be the killer. He however, did not know if trapping the killer in a dark room was a wise choice. Together, with their night vision glasses, the pair crept into the room.

Lana could see everyone almost as clear as if it were day. She could see Natalie feeling for people with her hands, Caleb was sitting against a wall holding a lamp as a weapon. Vivian had found a seat and was sobbing. Grant and Lizzie had found each other and were holding hands. Regina was bumping into everything. Tripp was feeling around the room by touching the walls. None of them looked like a killer. Lana had barely any time to register before her glasses went dark.

Giles, who was beside his maid felt his stomach drop. Their glasses had stopped working which means somehow the killer had found out about their plan. He cursed. The lights went back on. It was blinding and he had to shield his eyes. An ear splitting scream shook his ears.

There in the center of the room, lay Daisy, motionless. The guests all backed up. "What the hell?" Grant looked around. "One of you just killed her!" He pointed at Tripp who he had suspected for awhile. "I bet it was you huh?" Tripp held up his hands in defense. "I was over here! Accuse Regina!" He rounded on the woman who had been the closest to Daisy.

Regina shot up and pointed her finger at Natalie and Caleb. "Those two are thick as thieves, you know it has to be either one or both of them." Natalie gaped. "Oh no you fucking did not you bitch!" She walked up to Regina. "Maybe we should all look at the bitch who has been acting innocent this whole time. You're the killer Regina!"

The guests all began to shout accusations at each other. This lasted for a solid twenty minutes. Finally, Giles stood up to calm the storm. He had barely reached the air when another guest, dropped to the floor.

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