19 Garden Tragedy

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The guests awoke in the morning and gathered outside in the garden for breakfast. There had yet to be any death and all guests were present. This left a mysterious fear in the scared guests. Natalie clung to Caleb as tight as she could. Montana continued to look around as if anything could happen at any moment. Vivian tried to ignore it all by having a drink, a strong one. Neither of them could have predicted what would happen in the next few hours.

The maids and Giles greeted them and presented to them their breakfast. It was a beautiful sight. Glazed rolls with almond butter, sausage links, mounds and mounds of blueberry pancakes cut to perfection, and glistening fruit in a large bowl awaited them. There was instant movement and activity as the food was swept up. Montana ate like it was her last meal. It very well could have been.

Vivian picked at her food, only eating what she thought was healthy. Tripp watched her curiously. "I wouldn't eat anything. It could be poison." He said, pointing to her pineapple. She looked down at her food and nodded. "You're right. I wouldn't be surprised." They continued to chat.

Beside them, Caleb and Natalie were sitting very close. Caleb was eating very slowly. "If I die, I hope you take them all down. This killer needs to pay for all these crimes. It's absolutely horrible." He hadn't slept much and had been with her since last night. They had shared many things with each other. Natalie was starting to feel attached. "Don't say that, you have just as much a chance as they do. If we're right and Vivian is the killer, she won't die."

Bailey was sitting with Andrew, Lizzie, and Grant. They were all watching the scared guests. "Any minute something terrible could happen." Andrew was saying. He didn't want to say it aloud, but he hoped it was Caleb the lovebird. "You have to admit this is all very strange." He looked over at the others who nodded in agreement. Lizzie was about to say something else when there was a crash.

They all looked over at Montana, who was writhing on the floor in pain. "Help-!" She screamed gasping for air. She must have been choking. Bailey wasn't a doctor but he knew CPR, he rushed over to her and began the routine. He started compressions, he was about to finish when Montana's body flew up into the air. There was a terrible moment of pause as they watched her body sail through the air and into a bed of roses. Roses which encased her body as she disappeared below them, they heard a terrible sound like ice breaking or glass shattering, then the garden fell silent. Montana Faukes was no doubt dead.

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