32 Out Of Time

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Vivian shrieked as Tripp collapsed beside her and blood began to pour from his chest. She didn't kneel down to see if he was alive, she knew the answer. Regina cried out as she rushed to the billiards door. "The killer is finishing their work! Let me the fuck out!" She shouted at the room. Lana sobbed as she turned to Giles. It was as if the entire room looked at Giles in that moment.

"It appears." He began, "that we are out of time. The killer has decided to speed things up. We must use this time to be calm and sit down where you are. I have received no word from the killer what any of this." He gestured at the room. "Truly is. So I must ask everyone to-." Caleb shot up and marched over to the butler. "You expect us to fucking stay calm? I don't think I wanna stay here and wait to be slaughtered."

There was a crack and a loud bang and the door was flung outward. Natalie had thrown a chair into the door forcing it open, despite her slender figure, the woman had a strength unlike the men present. The guests rushed for the door.

"We can all rush the gates! The killer can't kill us all!" Grant shouted as he grabbed Lizzie's hand and led them outside. Regina and Vivian followed them closely, trailed by Lizzie. Natalie and Caleb grabbed Giles and Lana. "You have to get out of here." He said to the pair.

Giles considered this. In the end, he didn't want to risk his own death, let alone Lana. He would remain in the house. This house that had kept many horrors within its walls. He shook his head at the couple before him. Natalie gaped but in the end they grabbed each other and rushed out into, well, Giles didn't know what was awaiting them out in the fog.

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