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Today 3:33 AM

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her ring size is 6 which is 16.45mm :

(713)-638-2528: thanks

i wasn't expecting you to respond that fast this late at : night

(713)-638-2528: i'm always up this late

(713)-638-2528: why are you up?

dumb shit :

(713)-638-2528: dumb shit like what?

(713)-638-2528: we're going on a trip together we might as well get comfortable

it's dumb but i'm up waiting for a text back :

(713)-638-2528: from that boyfriend you keep reminding you about?

i'm only telling you this because i've had a drink or : two while i've been up waiting

but i don't trust my boyfriend and he went out so i'm : waiting for him to text me that he's home so i know he didn't do anything he's not supposed to

(713)-638-2528: you're too beautiful to be doing all that

it's more complicated than that :

do you have a boyfriend? :

(713)-638-2528: i'm gay

oh :

does kelly know that? :

(713)-638-2528: yeah..?

(713)-638-2528: everyone knows even if my mom acts like it's not true

my mom would probably jump in front of a bus if i : was gay

(713)-638-2528: you're straight?

mhmmm :

(713)-638-2528: have you ever kissed a girl?

your best friend :

(713)-638-2528: my nigga 😭

(713)-638-2528: i love being gay boys disgust me

(713)-638-2528: i couldn't imagine looking at women and not being attracted to it

i never said i wasn't attracted i said i'm not gay :

i can appreciate a bad bitch or some ass but that : doesn't mean i want to fuck them or be with them

(713)-638-2528: i guess that makes sense

why doesn't kelly ever talk about you? :

i've known her for two years and she's never : mentioned a best friend back in houston

(713)-638-2528: there's not much to mention

(713)-638-2528: we're not those best friends that talk every other second because we're both busy

are you in school too? :

(713)-638-2528: no but i have a job

what do you do? :

(713)-638-2528: im a social media consultant and i also model a little on the side

you model??? :

(713)-638-2528: duh. i'm gorgeous

you are???? 😭 i didn't notice :

(713)-638-2528: i bet you i could steal your boyfriend 🌚

oh girl please :

(713)-638-2528: i'm just playing

(713)-638-2528: mostly.

you need to be. :

(713)-638-2528: anyway. goodnight. thanks for the video.

(713)-638-2528: i might need your help with something later

👍 gn :


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