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I was ready to get the fuck. ASAP.

I came all the way here for Kelly just for her to be under dick the whole time. She didn't explicitly say that, but I could tell. I know her.

I was happy for her but shit, I risked my job to be here for her.

Since she was spending all her time out of her apartment, I was spending all my time in my hotel room.

I was glad I got one or else I would've had to be around Onika all day.

We haven't spoken since our that weird drunk interaction I had with her. I think she's been avoiding me but I haven't exactly been looking for her either.

There's really nothing for her and I to talk about anymore, we already said everything we needed to.

It's cool that she's staying strong and whatever I guess, I'm proud of her.

My first day here I did go out with Lori. We went to a bar but we didn't do anything, not even kiss.

It wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be. She was definitely just a vacation thing, but I would fuck her again. Just for the experience.

We both knew that wouldn't have been the best idea so I got very used to my hotel room. Doordash quickly became my best friend, I did not have money like that to be ordering room service.

I was just about to order some Mcdonald's when Kelly called me. I mumbled, "The nerve." But I still answered. "What?"

"Woah? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. What's up?"

"Onika wanted to go the club because she's trying to become sexually liberated and get back at that cheating ass- anyway, do you want to want come? I'm only asking because you seem to be... cramping or something. I have no idea why, I'm not in my period so I know you're not on yours."

Yes, we're synced up. We have been since high school. There were only a couple months we weren't and that was when we started living in two different states.

"Things are weird between Onika and I right now, I don't know. I don't want to make the whole night weird by being there." Especially if she's trying to get over Navigation.

"She's the one that told you I could ask you, I promise she won't mind. Just come, I don't want to go out if you don't."

"It's just going to be us three?" The whole reason of me coming was to be here for her, I couldn't say no.

"Yeah. Maybe Robyn, but that's it."

I like Robyn so that wasn't a problem. "Alright, fine. I'm going to get in the shower then I'll come over."

The sun already went down, only she would tell me about plans a couple hours before hand.

"We're about to start pregaming. We're taking shots but we have some hard lemonades and shit if you don't want to go too hard."

"I'll probably just drink that. But it's probably going to take me a while to get dressed so I'll text you when I'm on my way."

"Okay b-" I hung up on her before she finished her sentence just to piss her off.

Before I got in the shower, I picked out an outfit just to speed my after shower process up. Jeans and a graphic hoodie.  I barely knew anybody in this city and I definitely didn't have anybody to impress.

I got in my shower then did my hair. That probably took the longest because I've basically just been keeping it in a bun. 

A little leave in conditioner and a lot of water later, and it looked good enough to go out in. My face made up for how basic I looked so it was okay.

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