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My body jerked awake and I jumped up. I automatically knew I was somewhere I wasn't supposed to be, Onikas bed.

I looked over and saw her sleeping peacefully next to me completely naked. I wasn't that drunk last night so I remembered everything I did to her last night.

I had those poor girls legs shaking in mid air. She hadn't fully experienced being with a woman before me and I definitely gave her the full experience last night.

Even though I only liked her a little bit, that didn't take away from my sexual attraction to her. She was fine and tasted good, I didn't see why not.

I got out of the bed and grabbed my pants from the floor. I wasn't fully naked, there was no point since I was only doing stuff to her, but I took some of my clothes off just to be comfortable.

I grabbed the rest of my stuff and quietly left her room without waking her up. Talking was the last thing I wanted to do.

Kelly still wasn't home so I went into her room with all my stuff and laid down again. It was still pretty early and I could get another hour or two of sleep in before Kelly came. Especially if she was at some niggas house.

She wouldn't mind me sleeping in her bed, it wouldn't be the worst thing one of us has done in the others bed. With permission, of course.

I closed my eyes and started to drift asleep when I heard the door open. I opened them again thinking it was Kelly but it was Onika.

She wasn't naked anymore but only had on underwear and a bra on. "Why did you move?" She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"What?" I was confused.

"Why did you move from my bed?" She closed the door and sat down on Kelly's bed.

"Because I woke up, what do you mean?"

"You didn't want to like... cuddle or anything like that? I mean, are you going to act like last night didn't happen?"

"It definitely happened but that doesn't mean we have to be all lovey dovey after. It was just some drunk fucking around." I've tried so many times with Onika that I couldn't even put myself in the position to look dumb again. That man was just over here.

"Oh." I didnt mean to hurt her feelings but I could tell I did by the way her face dropped.

I sighed, "Look, you know I feel some type of way about you but a lot has happened in the past couple weeks. I don't want to treat you bad because I know what you're just getting out of but you have to understand where I'm coming from too. I don't think you're ready for anything more than us being friends right now anyway."

"I don't want to be in a relationship or anything, I just feel warm in your arms and wanted to cuddle after doing what we did. You know you're the only person besides him I've ever done anything with. I just don't want things to be weird and awkward between us because we were really becoming friends before all the bullshit."

"Friends again?" I had to think about it for a second. "For now?" I couldn't make any promises for the future, knowing me.

She laughed. "Yeah, friends. Do you want some breakfast?"

She's too used to being a girlfriend. It's almost sad.

"You want to make me breakfast?"

"Well I'm hungry and it would be rude to not make you anything so I'm asking if you want any. Plus you deserve a little something for last night. I swear to God, I've never felt like that in my life."

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