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We had the busiest trip so far. Kelly had like four days worth of things planned for one day.

We were out from when the sun came up to way past when it went down. The night ended with a nice dinner at a restaurant.

Since we were so busy, I didn't really get a chance to Bey. We were texting but there would be hours between the texts because she was just and busy with work.

After I was in bed, I texted her.

hey we got to the house a little bit ago :

are you home? :

bey 🙈: yeah i've been home for a little bit i'm smoking on my balcony rn

wanna ft?? :

bey 🙈: let me finish this and i'll call you when i'm back inside

okay :

hurry up or i'm going to sleep

bey 🙈: nigga you asked me to facetime?

bey 🙈: just give me like five minutes

It was definitely more than five minutes. I'm about double the amount of time she promised, she Facetimed me.

I answered the phone and she was setting her phone up when the call connected.

She smiled and I could tell by the way her eyes looked closed when she did, that she was really high. "Hey sexy."

"Hi ugly. What are you doing?"

"Looking for something to eat. Should I make noodles or eat leftover pizza?"

"Leftover pizza." Now I was hungry.

"Good idea." She turned around and opened a cabinet to get a plate. "How was your day?"

"Fun. I rode a jet ski today and bought a couple new shirts at this outdoor mall."

She turned around with a bowl and a plate. "What type of shirts?"

"All but one is cropped, it's a regular graphic t-shirt. I don't really know to describe the rest of them, they're just regular shirts you would wear with jeans."

She stepped out of the camera to do something but I could still hear her loud and clear. "You're going to have to give me a fashion show in the morning."

"Maybe. Why did you get a plate and a bowl?"

"I'm making both because I'm hungry. I probably shouldn't be eating this much since I have a shoot soon but I'll get my act together after today."

"I forgot you were a model." No offense, but she doesn't really seem like one. I think it's just her personality.

"It's just a fun little side thing for a couple dollars, I don't really take it that seriously. I also get free clothes sometimes so that's a plus."

"You're so interesting. For a 21 year old, you're pretty established. It's cool that you know what you want."

She came back into the camera for just a second before she walked away with her bowl. "Thanks. What you do is cool too, women in STEM and shit."

I laughed, "You're ignorant."

"Yeah, but it's also exactly what I was talking about before. We've had two very life experiences which have made us two very different people."

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