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Today at 1:11 AM

i kid you not i've been busy from the second i :
landed and then i was out so even then i couldn't text you

you're probably sleeping since you're three :
hours ahead

Onika 🍑: i'm actually awake i just got done eating cereal

Onika 🍑: what have you been so busy doing?

business meetings and shit :

the money i'm making now is going to be :
nothing compared to what i'm going to be making soon

Onika 🍑: i'm happy for you

Onika 🍑: even though I do think you're a drug dealer

i'm going to be legally rich fuck illegal money :

Onika 🍑: you're trying to impress me 🙃

i'm not but shit you should be impressed :

tell your nigga to pull out a checkbook or a :
savings account

or even just a real job. :

Onika 🍑: you love speaking on him

i want his girl :

Onika 🍑: what?

i've had a drink or two i'm sorry for being so forward :

i'm really not but it's the polite thing to say :

Onika 🍑: i thought you didn't drink?

i never said i don't drink completely it's just :
very rare for me to do it

Onika 🍑: so you must be around people you trust?

person :

but yes :

Onika 🍑: like a girl?

do you care? :

Onika 🍑: i can't make conversation??

i shared a drink with a woman :

Onika 🍑: what type of woman?

my ex type of woman :

Onika 🍑: the dominantrix??

the what?? 😭 :

Onika 🍑: you said something like "you should see my ex" when you were talking about how you wanted it hit me and i can put two and two together

well she's not one of those :

but she might as well have been 😵‍💫 :

Onika 🍑: are you still with her?

why do you care? :

Onika 🍑: i'm curious about you stranger

am i still with her in what way? :

Onika 🍑: any way

no i'm not with her we're completely done and :
no im not wine her rn but i'll see her again before i leave tomorrow morning

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