𝒗. Mother

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╔═════๑♡๑═════╗CHAPTER FIVE ╚═════๑♡๑═════╝

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Trigger Warning; death

only to be told that a Small Council meeting has been called. The Princess quickly readied herself with the help of Lydia. When the two had felt that she was ready for the day, Aenora walked faster than usual to her sisters chamber.

"Rhaenyra?" she knocked.

It didn't take long for Rhaenyra to open the door, already dressed.

"Good morning, sister." Rhaenyra greeted Aenora.

"Good morning."

"Do you know what this is about?" Rhaenyra asked as they began walking down the long hall.

Aenora shook her head, "I was hoping you'd know."

Rhaenyra simply shook her shoulders.

The sisters walked rather quickly, knowing that the rest of the council was probably already there. They had a habit of being late to these meetings. But to their surprise, they had gotten there before the king.

And also to Aenoras surprise, Daemon was actually there. She knew immediately this meeting had something to do with him, considering he was the only one there covered in blood and mud.

Aenora took her seat next to the hands seat and placed her marble in the hole.

"Gods be good," Viserys said as he entered the room.

Aenora continued to stare at Daemon, both disgusted and worried. All Daemon did was smile at the girl. She honestly felt like a mother who's child had misbehaved in front of a crowd.


"Daemon," Viserys looked at him, irritated but not surprised.

"Carry on. You were saying something about my impunity," Daemon mocked Otto.

Another Hightower Aenora didn't like, no despised. Maybe it was something to do with the color green she didn't like.

"You are to explain your doing with the City Watch," Otto said.

Aenora's eyebrows furrowed.

"Your new 'Gold Cloaks' made quite the impression last night, didn't they?" Viserys sat.

"Did they?" Said Daemon.

"The City Watch is not a sword to be wielded at your whim. They're an extension of the crown," Otto told Daemon.

"The watch was enforcing the crowns laws. Wouldn't you agree Lord Strong?" Daemon asked Lyonel Strong.

"My prince I don't think-"

𝐀𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐀|𝖣𝖺𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗇 𝖳𝖺𝗋𝗀𝖺𝗋𝗒𝖾𝗇  Where stories live. Discover now