Chapter 2

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Deanna's POV

"Mommy! Mommy!

"hmmm. What?

"Mommy I'm hungry....waahhhh...

"ok wait baby, mommy will get up after 5mins.
But mommy I want pancake now!

I looked at my son, he was pouting. I laughed as he was making that face.

"okay baby, mommy will you a pancake.

I got up from the bed and wash my face to the bathroom.

After doing my morning routine, I went downstairs to the kitchen, while my little boy is playing in our living room.

"hey Andrei, where's your daddy?

"I don't know. My son replied.

I sighed

"where the hell is he!?
He didn't come home for the last 2 days.

He said he was with his bandmate, he didn't even bothered to come home for his son.
What a wonderful father he is. I exclaimed.

I know something was off.

He barely come home to us.
When he does, he's always drunk.
After some few days, he will go somewhere again,
he didn't even bother to tell me where the hell he's going.

He always asks me for money,
I asked him once where was that money that he earned from his gig..
but all he did was yell at me.
Saying "why the fuck are you asking???!!!"
of course I'll ask him,
he has a responsibility..our son.
He just slapped my face and told me to get the fuck off, he's not like this before when were younger, quite the opposite, he's a very loving man, but now ? I don't know anymore..
Ever since then, I never asked him again anything about money.

I know I should leave him but what else can I do, he was the father of my son.

We're family and he was the only one that can accept the real me.

I don't want my son to have a broken family ...
like mine. I don't want him to suffer the way I did before.

Remembering the scenes of my past I didn't notice that I was already crying.

"mommy? Why are cyring?

"'s nothing baby

"a dust flew in my eyes. Replying to my son, while smiling.

"look! Mommy's gonna make you a chocolate pancake!

"yey! Thank you mommy,
you're the best mom ever.

After we ate our breakfast, I need to get ready for work, so I called Tanya, Andrei's babysitter.
Once Tanya arrived, I immediately went to the bathroom to take a shower.
I put my floral dress (above-the-knee) and I let down my straight black hair and put a little bit of makeup.

I headed downstair and kissed my baby's cheeks.

"baby, mommy's going to work okay? Be a good boy to Tanya

I looked up to Tanya and told her to take good care of my son.

I hopped on my car and head to the office.
While driving, I felt kinda sleepy so I decided to stop by at the nearby coffee shop.

I opened the door and came in, then my phone suddenly rang.

"oh great! It's Bert. Then I answered it.

"yes hello?

"hey babe! How are you doing? Uhmmm...can you lend me some money, I'm kinda short.
We don't have much gig recently, my friends and I will go to the club tonight so I need money.

"the audacity!

"well I can't lend you some, I need to pay for rent and grocery Bert, so I'm sorry.

"what do you mean you can't?

"as I was just saying -

I was cutoff when i bumped into someone.

"oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I said.

I immediately wipe the coffee stain on her blouse, hoping that she will not hit me.

But then, I hear her soft moan.

Oh my gosh did she just moan?.

I slowly look up to her face and DAMN!
This girl is a goddess.
She has a blue and brown eyes, yes, two different colors.

She has a blonde hair and fair skin. She's absolute gorgeous. I feel kinda nervous around her, I don't know why.

"uhmmm. Well. She said

"ohhh. I'm so sorry again. Let me dry clean your clothes or buy you a new one.

She said she has a meeting in less than an hour, so I decided to offer my extra shirt.
Good thing I have an extra.

She took the shirt and went to to the restroom so I followed her.

She quickly undressed herself while I was staring at her.
And HOLY SHIT!!! That body of hers!!!
Those curves, her breasts are HUGE!!
I was wondering if it felt good when you touch it.

"wait what?? what the hell are you thinking Deanna, you have a partner and you are straight!

I was drowning on my thoughts when I heard her saying "here" she gave me her dirty shirt and God it smells so good.

"give me your card.

I was cut off again


"give me your card! She's yelling at me.

I felt tensed, scared and terrified, she's going to hit me... please no, no, no.

I handed my card while shaking.

She took it and leave, but before she actually leave the restroom, she turned to me while saying
"I'll contact you soon" then she vanished.

Finally I can feel myself breathing again.

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